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Главная / Андрей Рублев

Андрей Рублев

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Why are you smirking?
There are so many of you.
If he can't make his mind
up, can't one of you?
Two heads are better than one.
Where is Andrei?
I can't go on like that.
Answer me: yes or no?
Yes or no? Wasn't
everything decided in Moscow?
To the smallest detail; the Prince
said everything was in order.
What is not clear? What have we
been discussing for two months?
Explain it to me. I may be
old, I may have lost my wits.
The Last Judgment; either you
accept the task and paint it...
...or you refuse the commission.
And if we really refused?
If we went back, Danil?
How shall I face people?
I should die of shame.
We're wasting such good
time. This heat, no rain.
We could have finished
the cupola and the columns.
How wonderfully they
could have been done...
...how brightly, and beautifully.
On the right, the sinners...
...boiling in pitch, painted
to make your flesh crawl.
I have thought of a great devil,
with smoke from his nose and eyes.
- It's not the smoke that matters.
- Then what matters?
I don't know.
- Why aren't you looking at me?
- Because I can't.
I can't paint all that; it disgusts me.
I don't want to terrify people.
Understand me, Danil.
Collect yourself! Listen!
It's the Last Judgment!
I didn't invent it.
I can't do it. Do as
you will, but I can't.
Why didn't you speak
earlier, in Moscow?
You shouldn't have agreed.
This is dishonest.
I am what I am. You
couldn't teach me integrity.
I don't know what to paint.
What do you mean, you don't know?
We were ordered to
paint the Last Judgment.
You see...
...I think it will be better...
...if we don't paint the
Last Judgment at all.
What do you mean?
You know.
I want...
I don't want anything.
- Nothing.
- That's it.
Well, I'm leaving.
This is no work for me.
Thanks for your kindness and
your slaps; I learned something.
But now I'm going to work for myself.
They've asked me to
paint a church at Pafnutievo.
Not a great honor,
but it's still an honor.
I'm going to paint the Last Judgment.
Who will come with me?
Well, then, stay...
...but don't complain later.
When I was a child...
...I spake as a child, I understood
as a child, I thought as a child...
...but when I became a man,
I put away childish things.
For now we see
through a glass, darkly...
...but then face to face...
...now I know in part...
...but then shall I know...
...even as also I am known.
And now abideth...
...faith, hope, and charity...
...but the greatest of these is charity.
Though I speak with the
tongues of men and of angels...
...and have not charity...
...I am become as sounding
brass, or a tinkling cymbal.
And though I have
the gift of prophecy...
...and understand all
mysteries, and all knowledge...
...and though I have all faith, so
that I could remove mountains...
...and have not charity, I am nothing.
And though I bestow all
my goods to feed the poor...
...and though I give my body to
be burned, and have not charity...
...it profiteth me nothing.
Charity suffereth long, and
is kind; charity envieth not...
...charity vaunteth not
itself, is not puffed up...
...doth not behave
itself unseemly...
...seeketh not her own, is not
easily provoked, thinketh no evil...
...rejoiceth not in iniquity,
but rejoiceth in the truth...
...beareth all things...
...believeth all things, hopeth
all things, endureth all things.
Charity never faileth...
...but whether there be
prophecies, they shall fail...
...whether there be
tongues, they shall cease...
...whether there be
knowledge, it shall vanish away.
For we know in part...
Princess, is that nice?
It's sinful to splash milk.
Such a naughtiness.
- Why is it sinful?
- Because... wipe it off.
But it will dry by itself in a minute.
Let's walk by the stream.
Let me go, Stepan, or I'll
send you to the stables.
How do you like it?
I couldn't imagine it
better. It's light, beautiful.
It's light.
Take her out. Her
nurses have
Андрей Рублев Андрей Рублев

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- текст Ночные ястребы на английском
- текст Белый плен на английском
- текст Ишь ты, масленица! на английском
- текст Дитя человеческое на английском
- текст Конец игры на английском

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