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Алые паруса

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Massive shiny sails of white ship
comes breaking the waves
right to you!
silently will sail this wonderful ship
without any shots and cries
accompanied by wonderful melody
the ship gloriously approaches to shore
golden boat well-dressed in flowers will sail to you
then you'll see brave and wonderful prince
--hello Assol!
prince will say
far far away i saw you in my dream
and came to take you from Caperna
we will live so friendly and happy
so you never have tears or sadness
he will sit you into boat
and you will sail to wonderful land
where stars will come from sky
to congratulate your arrival
--not so fast, little girl
first, as I said, you will grow up
and then... ah, what about that...
That will happen, that's all
What would you do then?
I... I'd loved him...
When he doesn't fight
No, he will not beat you!
I promise!
Go, little girl! Peace upon your fluffy head!
And believe! It will happen!
tell me, will magician's ship come for me or not?
he comes, when you're told so
you will have your scarlet sails
look how tired you are
stranger had joked my daughter
good joke
not scarlet but dirty and greedy sails
shall you meet in your life
I won't take away this nice toy
you'll forget it when you grow up
and stars will come to greet me?
yes, daughter... the stars, and the magician's ship...
Give a smoke to poor man, mister!
I'd like to, but tobacco is in another pocket
Don't wanna bother my daughter
What a pity...
Awakes and fells asleep again
but stranger smokes and goes away
Come back later, if you wish
Princess, I see...
washed her brains with foreign ships
You... Whatta crank!
Go away!
Back off!
...gave me no pipe.
Girl, when you turn 18
then a special red ship comes for you,
because you're chosen one
to marry a prince!
prince, yes!
and believe that sorcerer!
What? What's talking?
Longren and his daughter are mad
this guy tells!
I told it long ago, we must banish
Longren from Caperna
He troubles peoples' waters here
A meek silent one
I tell you! A sorcerer!
Shut up, sorcerer!
Maybe people are waiting for their fortune!
Right, waiting...
and you ladies can't miss a foreign prince
under scarlet sails!
Father became intolerable when mother died.
All his energy goes to lawsuiting farmers,
He does it to support our family honour he thinks.
I made certain decision to leave castle forever.
What have you done?!
You, crap!
You destroyed the best portrait of my gallery!
--I am sorry, your majesty, I just wanted to...
--Shut up!
Leave the castle now!
I leave, but I'm not guilty
that the rope broke...
You dare to contradict me?!
Take this!
I am not guilty!
--You are NOT?!
Don't you dare to beat woman!
Remember your family's honour!
What?! You dared to confrontate your father?!
--Betcy rocked my cradle, and I will not let...
--Shut up!
I can't take you anymore!
--Get lost!
Father, let's talk...
I order you to shut up!
You ain't worth the high title of count!
I can live without that title pretty well.
One more word and I will disinherit you!
I will banish you from castle!
No worries. I personally made
a decision to leave castle.
Today I will leave you forever.
Remember! You don't have son anymore!
Don't you dare to tease Alba!
Cadet! Come here!
Yes, captain!
I took you on board not to polish your nails
Understood me, birdy?
If your sensible wings got dirty with tar...
you can wash them at home,
with mother's rose-mimosa cologne
Captain Gop, you spend whole life at sea
I only one year
I swear, I decided to become
a sailor and I will become one!
And forget about rose-mimosa, captain
To the topgallants!
Yes, captain!
In fact, we'll have a real captain of this puppy
half point left
half point left
Good, Gray!
Listen carefully
Quit smoking
Let's start trimming puppy into
Алые паруса Алые паруса

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