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Главная / 1612. Хроники смутного времени.

1612. Хроники смутного времени.

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fight a smerd.
He's not a smerd.
He's our Tzar.
Future Tzar.
Give him a sword.
Let him try his fate.
Tell me at least now...
Where is she?
Now I will tell.
A long time ago.
What about...
Ah, yes...
"Berries, beads, red tears"
A mad midget was making the dolls.
- Andrei!
- No!  This is God's Court!
Behold, Russian people!
You've chosen a whipped man as your Tzar!
A smerd!
Get up!
Get up!
I interprete my enemies mistakes
as his desire to die.
The kiss of death.
Fetch me a ladder.
Fetch me a ladder.
God's Court is over.
Let her go, Duke.
Very well.
By God's Court...
Ksenia Godunova is aquitted of charges
of treason of Christianity.
There are still questions about you, though.
What questions have you, Duke?
I wish to know - are you a smerd or not?
Russia doesnt' need any more impostors.
You're right, Duke.  Russia doesnt need impostors.
My name is Andrei!
I am a smerd!
Son of a smerd
Let her go.
I cannot.
Ksenia Godunova...
Is to be sent to a monastery
That is all.
Thank you, Duke!
That is all I wanted.
We need a Tzar.
Live long, Andrei.
Be happy.
Remember be once in a while.
And I'll pray for you.
The Dark Times are over!
It's over!  People!
On November 4th, 1612, the Polish and Lithuanian forces...
Have left the pillaged Kremlin
and surrendered to the victors.
On the 21st of February, 1613
Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov became a Tzar..
His dynasty has ruled Russia for over 300 years.Nikita Mikhalkov's Three T Studio
Nikita Mikhalkov's Three T Studio
'The Golden Nut' Studio
a Vladimir HOTINENKO film
In 1604, Polish king Sigizmund has accepted
a runaway monk Gigory Orep'ev...
...as a son of Ivan the Terrible,
and has proclaimed him the Tzar Dmitry
...as a son of Ivan the Terrible,
and has proclaimed him the Tzar Dmitry
The False Dmitry converted to catholicism...
...gathered an army and advanced on Moscow...
Moscow, Summer of 1605
After the sudden death of Boris Godunov...
...the power went to his underaged
son Fedor, but his reign did not last...
Tzar Fedor Godunov and his mother
were killed on June 1st, 1605.
Tzar Fedor Godunov and his mother
were killed on June 1st, 1605.
They've brought out the Tzar!
It has ended!...  The foul lineage of Godunovs.
Tzar!  Tzar!
I am the Tzar now!
The righteous sun!
Get out!
They've hurt a God's fool! Such a sin.
And now my blood has been spilled...
Now I've been proclaimed a Tzar!
A month later the army of False Dmitry
has entered Moscow.
The Boyars have sworn their allegiance to the impostor
Russia has descended into the Dark Times...
Rome, Fall of 1605
Padre Antonio wrote me about you...
I feel the strength within me, Your Holiness.
I will bring God's word to the savages.
And if it pleases God,
I will be happy to suffer for my Faith.
I will be happy to suffer for my Faith.
The Indians will wait.
They will be Catholics sooner or later...
Right now the Church has more important business.
You are Polish, correct?
I doubt it matters much in my work for God...
In this case it does...
You will go to Russia.
Russia is a big and wild country.
What will I be able to achieve on my own?
You were eager to go to the Indians on your own...
Gods name be praised!
Gods name be praised!
Moscow River. Easter of 1606.
What's out there, Andrei?
Cant see anything, but I sense it -
something interesting!
Our new ruler came up with entertainment
Brought out a monster against the folk!
What? What kind of a monster is it?
Hell! Proper Hell on wheels!
And what of the Orthodox folk?
The Orthodox folk is in fear.
Rejoyce, Moscow!
Look!  A unicorns horn!
Reconsider, lord...
We didnt come to Moscow...
Not for these infernal games...
We must bring the light of true Faith...
Vanya's not afraid
1612. Хроники смутного времени. 1612. Хроники смутного времени.

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- текст Луни Тьюнз: Снова в деле на английском
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- текст Том Джонс на английском
- текст Буйно помешанные на английском
- текст Друзья - Сезон 6 на английском

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