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Главная / 1612. Хроники смутного времени.

1612. Хроники смутного времени.

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Film by Vladimir Hotinenko
In 1604, Polish king Sigizmund has accepted
a runaway monk Gigory Orep'ev...
...as a son of Ivan the Terrible,
and has proclaimed him the Tzar Dmitry
...as a son of Ivan the Terrible,
and has proclaimed him the Tzar Dmitry
The False Dmitry converted to catholicism...
...gathered an army and advanced on Moscow...
Moscow, Summer of 1605
After the sudden death of Boris Godunov...
...the power went to his underaged
son Fedor, but his reign did not last...
Tzar Fedor Godunov and his mother
were killed on June 1st, 1605
Tzar Fedor Godunov and his mother
were killed on June 1st, 1605
They've brought out the Tzar!
It has ended!...  The foul lineage of Godunovs
Tzar!  Tzar!
I am the Tzar now!
The righteous sun!
Get out!
They've hurt a God's fool!  Such a sin.
And now my blood has been spilled...
Now I've been proclaimed a Tzar!
A month later the army of False Dmitry
has entered Moscow.
The Boyars have sworn their allegiance to the impostor
Russia has descended into the Dark Times...
Rome, Fall of 1605
Padre Antonio wrote me about you...
I feel the strength within me, Your Holiness
I will bring God's word to the savages
And if it pleases God,
I will be happy to suffer for my Faith.
I will be happy to suffer for my Faith.
The Indians will wait.
They will be Catholics sooner or later...
Right now the Church has more important business.
You are Polish, correct?
I doubt it matters much in my work for God...
In this case it does...
You will go to Russia.
Russia is a big and wild country.
What will I be able to achieve on my own?
You were eager to go to the Indians on your own...
Gods name be praised!
Gods name be praised!
Moscow River
Easter of 1606
What's out there, Andrei?
Cant see anything, but I sense it -
something interesting!
Our new ruler came up with entertainment
Brought out a monster against the folk!
What? What kind of a monster is it?
Hell!  Proper Hell on wheels!
And what of the Orthodox folk?
The Orthodox folk is in fear.
Rejoyce, Moscow!
Look!  A unicorns horn!
Reconsider, lord...
We didnt come to Moscow...
Not for these infernal games...
We must bring the light of true Faith...
Vanya's not afraid of the monster!  He came out in front of it!
I wish...
That in Russia...
Everyone rejoyced...
Look how he dressed himself, that smerd
The False Dmitry ruled for less than a year...
And did not please neither Russians nor Poles...
Burn!  Stomp the demon!
Came from the ashes, and to the ashes he returned...
Turn it to the West!
We'll return him to where he came from!
Moscow, Devich'e Pole, 1610
After the ashes of False Dmitry were
scattered over Moscow...
4 more years of anarchy followed...
Tired is the Russian land...
Without a righteous ruler...
But God heard our pleas...
And forgave us...
now he is here...
A strong and just ruler...
There's God's will for everything...
We are giving him our nation with all its subjects and lands...
How is he...  Our new Tzar?
Does he look scary in person or kind?
There's no Tzar!  He didnt come.
Who are we swearing allegiance to then?
The Polish Sigizmund?
No! His son Vladislav!
We're swearing allegiance to an empty throne!
A gilded piece of wood! Pagans!
Kiss the Cross!
for the Tzar Vladislav...
Rule over Russia, Tzar Vladislav!
You, christen the throne!
Say: "Begone unclean spirit!"
Ah!  Smell the sulphur!
Lets go...  Speaker...
- What?
- come, come...
Glory to the Tzar Vladislav,
son of Sigizmund!  Glory!
People!  We have chosen the Tzar!...
We have chosen the Tzar
We have the Tzar now!
Cherish the ruler!
Love him!
Respect him!
Serve him honestly!
Do not fall for temptations!
Long live Vladislav!
Let him rule
1612. Хроники смутного времени.

Читайте также:
- текст Мутанты Икс - Сезон 3 на английском
- текст Мой ласковый и нежный зверь на английском
- текст Полицейский отряд на английском
- текст Обыкновенное чудо на английском
- текст Лунный Папа на английском

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