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55130}I share a measure of|personal responsibility in this matter, -
{55136}{55239}- but I am obliged to confirm my|esteemed colleagues legal interpretation.
{55245}{55327}What is the position of|the Romulan government?
{55363}{55418}I must concur with my colleagues.
{55424}{55555}You can't believe that Kirk assassinated|the Chancellor of the High Council.
{55561}{55668}Mr President.|I don't know what to believe.
{55688}{55743}I'm waiting for your answer, sir.
{55799}{55897}This President is not above the law.
{56000}{56113}Mr President, Starfleet command|is here from San Francisco.
{56142}{56193}- Mr President.|- Mr President.
{56199}{56303}Bill, Admiral Cartwright,|please sit down.
{56360}{56460}Mr President, we cannot allow|Federation citizens to be abducted.
{56466}{56525}I'm constrained to observe|Interstellar Law.
{56531}{56625}Sir, would you please|take a look at this.
{56724}{56822}We prepared Operation Retrieve|based on the danger of terrorism -
{56828}{56939}- between the Klingon empire|and the Federation.
{56945}{57006}We can go in, rescue the hostages -
{57012}{57130}- and get out in 24 hours with|acceptable losses.
{57136}{57196}- We have the technology...|- Yes, yes.
{57202}{57276}But suppose you precipitate|a full-scale war?
{57282}{57367}Then, quite frankly,|we can clean their chronometers.
{57400}{57539}Mr President, they are vulnerable.|There will never be a better time.
{57545}{57646}The longer we wait, the less accessible|the hostages will be.
{57652}{57756}I'll bear that in mind. Thank you,|gentlemen, that's all for now.
{57795}{57859}Mr President.
{58202}{58332}Those men have literally|saved this planet.
{58338}{58413}And now they're going to save it again.
{58432}{58483}By standing trial.
{58571}{58637}Report back on the double.|Do you read?
{58643}{58775}- We're to report back at once.|- We can't abandon Kirk and McCoy.
{58781}{58911}400 years ago, on Earth, workers|who felt their livelyhood threatened -
{58917}{59049}- flung their wooden shoes called|"sabots" into the machines to stop them.
{59103}{59191}Hence the word "sabotage".
{59254}{59377}We experience technical malfunction.|All back-up systems inoperative.
{59383}{59462}Excellent. I mean... too bad.
{59495}{59638}Mr President, I have been named|chancellorin my father's place.
{59644}{59743}Madam Chancellor,|you have my condolences on your loss.
{59749}{59844}I assure you|that this shameful deed will not...
{59850}{59975}Let us come to the point. You want|this conference to go forward.
{59981}{60061}I will attend in one week,|on one condition.
{60067}{60221}We will not extradite the prisoners,|and you will not attempt to rescue them.
{60227}{60323}We would consider any such attempt|an act of war.
{60329}{60379}We hope you'll be our guest|here on Earth.
{60385}{60504}After recent events, you will|understand if I prefer a neutral site.
{60510}{60636}And in the interest of security, let us|keep the location secret for now.
{60642}{60718}As you wish, Madam Chancellor.
{60750}{60830}Attack them now, while we still can.
{60836}{60925}Attack or be slaves in their world.
{61011}{61101}We can take whole by force,|what they propose to divide.
{61122}{61233}War is obsolete, General.
{61239}{61365}As we are in danger of becoming.
{61371}{61505}Better to die on our feet|than live on our knees.
{61511}{61586}That wasn't what my father wanted.
{61592}{61676}Your father was killed|for what he wanted.
{61694}{61795}The peace process will go forward.
{61939}{62054}Kirk will pay for my father's death.
{62120}{62248}It is as I said, Mr Spock.|Inventory registers every torpedo.
{62254}{62316}Yet the data banks insist we fired.
{62322}{62384}- One computer is lying.|- A computer doesn't lie!
{62390}{62484}Precisely. Therefore we must inspect|each torpedo visually.
{62490}{62566}That could take hours!|And if they're all there?
{62572}{62653}Then someone forged an entry
Звёздный путь 6: Неоткрытая страна Звёздный путь 6: Неоткрытая страна

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