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scene 1 .
{32771}{32872}You have not experienced Shake-|speare until you've read him in Klingon.
{33135}{33232}Captain Kirk.|I thought Romulan ale was illegal.
{33238}{33331}An advantage of being 1,000 light|years from Federation headquarters.
{33357}{33450}To you, Chancellor Gorkon.|One of the architects of our future.
{33554}{33633}Perhaps we are looking at|something of that future here.
{33707}{33876}Tell me, Captain Kirk. Would you|be willing to give up Starfleet?
{33972}{34124}The Captain feels that Starfleet's|mission has always been one of peace.
{34204}{34301}I wouldn't dispute my first officer.|Starfleet has always been...
{34307}{34427}There's no need to mince words.|In space, all warriors are cold warriors.
{34487}{34610}General,|are you fond of... Shakespeare?
{34630}{34747}We believe all planets have a sovereign|claim to inalienable human rights.
{34753}{34872}"Inalien..."|If you could only hear yourselves.
{34878}{35006}"Human rights."|Why, the very name is racist.
{35011}{35102}The Federation is|a "homo sapiens only" club.
{35108}{35176}Present company excepted, of course.
{35182}{35312}We know where this is leading -|the annihilation of our culture.
{35318}{35399}That's not true. No!
{35405}{35542}"To be or not to be"... That is the|question which preoccupies our people.
{35548}{35628}- We need breathing room.|- Earth. Hitler, 1938.
{35678}{35726}I beg your pardon.
{35923}{35995}I see we have a long way to go.
{36010}{36096}We must do this again sometime.
{36174}{36303}You don't trust me, do you?|I don't blame you.
{36343}{36404}If there is to be a brave new world, -
{36410}{36551}- our generation is going to have|the hardest time living in it.
{36622}{36726}- Captain Spock.|- Chancellor. Madam.
{36784}{36846}Well, most kind.
{36852}{36983}Parting is such sweet sorrow.|Hmm, Captain?
{37004}{37099}"Have we not heard the chimes|at midnight?"
{37667}{37731}Thank God!
{37736}{37870}- Did you see the way they ate?|- Terrible table manners.
{37876}{37976}I doubt our own behaviour will distinguish|us in the annals of diplomacy.
{37982}{38091}I'm going to sleep this off. Is there any|other way we can screw up tonight?
{38097}{38194}I'm going to go find|a pot of black coffee.
{38538}{38694}The Enterprise hosted|Chancellor Gorkon to dinner last night.
{38700}{38808}Our manners|weren't exactly Emily Post.
{38814}{38990}To the galley - Romulan ale no longer|to be served at diplomatic functions.
{39006}{39127}Captain Kirk, will you please|join me on the bridge? Captain Kirk?
{39278}{39328}- Captain.|- What is it?
{39334}{39403}- I find this curious.|- Spock, I'm really tired.
{39409}{39523}We are reading an enormous amount of|neutron radiation.
{39529}{39627}- Where?|- It appears to emanate from us.
{39633}{39680}The Enterprise?
{39727}{39831}Val'eris, do you know anything about|a radiation surge? Chekov?
{39853}{39934}Only the size of my head.
{39950}{39995}I know what you mean.
{40354}{40437}- What's happened?|- We've fired on the Chancellor's ship.
{40443}{40519}Torpedo room!|Please confirm, have we fired?
{40557}{40609}- Uhura, monitor.|- Aye, sir.
{40615}{40721}- Direct hit.|- Confirmed, sir.
{40980}{41019}We've lost gravity!
{41370}{41408}We are betrayed!
{41414}{41506}This is the bridge. Do you read me?
{41512}{41643}- Did we fire those torpedoes?|- Negative. We're still fully loaded.
{42092}{42156}Find Chang.
{42314}{42389}Unable to confirm or deny|firing the torpedoes.
{42395}{42454}- Hailing frequencies.|- Aye, sir.
{42460}{42542}Kronos One, this is Enterprise.|Do you read?
{44152}{44282}It's very hard to make out. There's been|weapons firing and a lot of shouting.
{44294}{44396}- She's still listing.|- She's spinning out of control.
{44849}{44943}Restoring auxiliary gravity...
{45188}{45278}Have you not|a shred of decency in you, Kirk?
{45284}{45427}We come in peace,|and you
Звёздный путь 6: Неоткрытая страна Звёздный путь 6: Неоткрытая страна

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