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Звёздный путь 6: Неоткрытая страна

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you see me?
Now be honest, Captain.
Warrior to warrior.
You do prefer it this way, don't you?
As it was meant to be.
No peace in our time.
"Once more unto the breach,
dearfriends. "
- This is fun.
- Reverse engines. All astern.
One and a half impulse power. Back off!
What's she doing?
What's she waiting for?
Probably attempting to ascertain
why we are reversing.
Wondering whether we detect her.
- In range?
- Not yet, sir.
Come on!
- She'll fly apart.
- Fly her apart, then!
Many speculated about
my father's motives.
Some said he was an idealist.
Others said he had no choice.
If Praxis had not exploded, his idealism
wouldn't have found expression.
We are a proud race.
We are here because we intend
to go on being proud.
- Go to auxiliary power!
- Auxiliary circuits destroyed.
"Tickle us, do we not laugh?
Prick us, do we not bleed?"
"Wrong us, shall we not revenge?"
Gas, Captain. Under impulse power
she expands fuel, like all vessels.
We call it "plasma",
but it is merely ionised gas.
What about our equipment
to catalogue gaseous anomalies?
The thing's got to have a tail-pipe.
Doctor, would you assist me
in performing surgery on a torpedo?
Hard to starboard.
The proposed agenda is as follows:
The evacuation of Kronos -
- has been calculated
within the 50 Earth year time span.
Phase 1 - preparation for evacuation...
Captain, she's packing quite a wallop.
Shields weakening.
Shields up! Alright, now we're giving
them something else to shoot at.
The game's afoot.
- Excelsior's been hit!
- "Our revels now are ended", Kirk.
"Cry havoc,
and let slip the dogs of war."
- Bones, where's my torpedo?
- Bet you wished you'd stayed in bed.
Shields collapsing!
The key, please. Time is short.
- The hull has been compromised.
- I wonder how bad.
Connect echo-bars.
...discuss the report on phase 2.
- Alter circuit A.
- Sensor.
...we commence
within minutes of the preparation.
- "I am constant as the Northern star."
- I'd give real money, if he'd shut up.
Plate, please.
...and assimilation will consume...
We've got a heart beat.
...with the Klingon Empire...
Key, please.
- Where's that torpedo?
- She's ready.
Lock and load!
"To be... or not"...
..."to be."
Target that explosion and fire.
This work will occupy us
throughout most of the week.
I hope that the delegation -
- can implement the provisions
of Phase 1 by the first of next month.
As you know, time is of the essence.
Out of the way!
Mr President!
Mr President!
Kirk, Enterprise.
Protect the Chancellor!
- Arrest those men!
- Arrest yourself!
We've got a full confession.
- This is not Klingon blood.
- Cartwright. Just a minute.
It's Colonel West!
What's happened?
What's the mean of all of this?
It's about the future, Madam Chancellor.
Some people think
the future means the end of history.
We haven't run out of history quite yet.
Your father called the future...
..."the undiscovered country".
People can be
very frightened of change.
You've restored my father's faith.
And you've restored my son's.
Once again, we've saved civilization
as we know it.
And they're not going to prosecute.
They could have prosecuted me.
I felt like Val'eris.
They don't arrest people
for having feelings.
And it's a good thing, too. If they did,
we'd all have to turn ourselves in.
- Captain Kirk.
- Captain Sulu.
As much to the crew of the Enterprise,
I owe you my thanks.
Nice to see you in action one more
time, Captain Kirk. Take care.
- My God, that's a big ship.
- Not so big as her captain.
So... This is goodbye?
It's about time
we got underway ourselves.
Captain, I have orders
from Starfleet Command.
We're to put back to space dock
immediately... to be decommissioned.
If I were human,
I believe my response would be:
"Go to hell."
If I were human.
Course heading, Captain?
Second star to the right.
And straight on 'til morning.
Звёздный путь 6: Неоткрытая страна Звёздный путь 6: Неоткрытая страна

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- текст Земля Санникова на английском
- текст Несколько дней из жизни И.И. Обломова на английском
- текст КОАПП на английском
- текст Звёздный путь 4: Путешествие домой на английском
- текст Терминатор: Да придёт спаситель на английском

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