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Звёздный путь: Поколения

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to re-route main power
through the secondary coupling.
Would a defective plasma coil
be susceptible to an ionic pulse?
Perhaps...yes. Yes!
If we sent a low-level pulse,
it can reset the coil
and trigger the cloaking device.
Excellent idea!
As their cloak begins to engage,
their shields will drop.
They'll have two seconds
of vulnerability.
- Data, lock on the plasma coil.
- No problem.
Our shields are holding.
Fire at will.
Prepare photon torpedoes. We must
hit them as they begin to cloak.
- Aye, sir.
- We get one shot at this.
Target their primary reactor.
I have accessed
their coil frequency.
- Initiating ionic pulse.
- Make it quick!
- Target their bridge.
- Full disruptors.
- We are cloaking!
- What?
Our shields are down!
Haven't you got
anything better to do?
It must have been
that last torpedo.
LaForge to bridge.
I've got a problem down here.
The magnetic interlocks
have been ruptured. I need...
Coolant leak! We have
a coolant leak, everybody.
Let's get out of here. Everybody
out! Let's move! Let's go!
Bridge, we have a new problem.
We're five minutes from a warp-core
breach. I can't do anything.
Deanna, evacuate everyone
to the saucer section.
Mr Data, prepare to
separate the ship.
'Starship separation in 5 minutes.'
You're going straight down.
Everyone move!
We haven't got all day.
All right, let's
move him out. Quick.
'Starship separation
in 4 minutes, 30 seconds.'
Folks, this way.
'Starship separation
in 4 minutes, 15 seconds.'
- Farrell!
- Yes?
There's no one here
with these kids.
Let's get them
to the Jeffries tube.
We'll find their parents later.
'Starship separation in 4 minutes.'
Now you'll have to
excuse me, Captain.
I have an appointment
with eternity,
and I don't want to be late.
RIKER: The core breach
is accelerating, Geordi.
We've got to get out of here.
That's it, bridge. We're all out.
One minute to warp-core breach.
Begin separation sequence. Full
impulse power once we're clear.
WORF: Warp core is critical.
- Separation complete.
- Engaging impulse engines.
DATA: Core breach in progress.
'Primary stabilisers off-line.
'Engaging secondary systems.'
- Report!
- Helm controls are off-line!
Oh, shit!
Here we go, around this corner.
Just keep moving.
Everybody on the bed. Come on.
I have re-routed auxiliary power
to the lateral thrusters.
- Attempting to level our descent.
- All hands, brace for impact!
Hold on, everybody.
Hold on tight!
Hold their heads!
Hold on!
I'm OK.
What...what is this? Where am I?
Love you, Father.
- Were you scared?
- Look at the tree.
- I helped decorate it.
- It took all day.
- Say Merry Christmas, Papa.
- See the presents?
- I love you, Father.
- I love you, too.
WOMAN: Now come on, children.
Let's give your father some room.
- Cup of Earl Grey?
- That would be perfect.
- This one's for you.
- Oh, thank you very much, Ren.
- Merry Christmas, Uncle.
- Merry Christmas to you, too.
WOMAN: Ren, can you help me
with the table?
Come here.
Go help your aunt.
PICARD: This isn't right.
This can't be real.
It's as real as you
want it to be.
What's going on? Why am I here?
You're in the Nexus.
- This is the Nexus?
- For you.
- This is what you wanted.
- But...
I never had a home like this.
Nor a wife and children.
But these are all mine.
What are you doing here?
You are on board the Enterprise.
I am. I'm also here.
Think of me as an echo
of the person you know...
a part of herself
she left behind.
When the Enterprise-B
beamed you up from the Lakul.
- Papa, help me build my castle.
- Yes, I will in a few minutes.
Papa, thank you for the dolly.
She's very beautiful.
These are my children.
These are my children.
Of course. Time has
no meaning here,
so you can go back
and see them born
or go forward and see
your grandchildren.
Звёздный путь: Поколения Звёздный путь: Поколения

Читайте также:
- текст Антикиллер на английском
- текст Клуб Парадиз на английском
- текст Родина ждёт на английском
- текст Поезда и Автомобили на английском
- текст Бродвейская мелодия на английском

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