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his location.
The doctor values his privacy.
He would be quite upset if
an armed away team interrupted him.
Then I will beam to your ship
and you can transport me to Soran.
For all we know, they killed
Geordi. They might kill you, too.
We did not harm your engineer.
He's been our guest.
- Then return him!
- In exchange for what?
Me, sir.
I will be your prisoner,
but you must beam me to the surface
so that I can speak with Soran.
The captain would make
a much more valuable hostage.
We'll consider it
a prisoner exchange.
Have Dr Crusher meet me
in transporter room 3.
You have the bridge, Number One.
Receiving the coordinates,
Captain. Energise.
Welcome, Captain.
You think I'm quite
the madman, hmm?
The thought had crossed my mind.
I know why you're here.
You're not entirely confident
you can shoot down my probe,
so want to dissuade me
from my horrific plan.
Good luck.
Now, if you'll excuse me,
Captain, I'm rather busy.
Do be careful, Captain.
That's a 50-gigawatt forcefield.
I wouldn't want
to see you get hurt.
I have established the link.
Put it on viewer.
It's working.
The visor's transmitting.
Where is he?
Human females are so repulsive.
..and some myocardial
I've removed the nanoprobe.
You're going to be fine.
- I'll need to run some more tests.
- Thanks, Doc.
- Geordi...
- Data, it's OK.
I am sorry I let you down.
I have not been behaving
like myself lately.
No, Data, you haven't.
You've been behaving
like a human.
You don't have to do this, Soran.
I'm sure we can find another way
of getting you into this Nexus.
I've spent 80 years
looking for another way.
Believe me, this is the only one.
What you're about to do, Soran,
is no different from when
the Borg destroyed your world.
They killed millions, too,
including your wife...
your children.
Nice try.You know, there was a time
when I wouldn't hurt a fly.
Then the Borg came,
and they showed me
that the one constant
in this whole universe is death.
Afterwards, I realised
it didn't really matter.
We'll all die sometime. It's just
a question of how and when.
You will, too, Captain.
Aren't you beginning to feel
time gaining on you?
It's like a predator.
It's stalking you.
You try to outrun it with doctors,
medicines, new technologies,
but in the end,
time is going to hunt you down
and make the kill.
It's our mortality
that defines us, Soran.
It's part of the truth
of our existence.
What if I told you
I found a new truth?
The Nexus?
Time has no meaning there.
The predator has no teeth.
- Where is he?
- I don't know.
He bathed. Now he's
roaming the ship.
He must be the only engineer
in Starfleet
who doesn't goto engineering.
- Any luck, Mr Worf?
- I still can't locate the captain.
Data, the sensors can't penetrate
the planet's ionosphere.
- Can you scan for life forms?
- I would be happy to, sir.
I just love scanning
for life forms.
# Life forms
# You tiny little life forms
# You precious little life forms
# Where are you?
Do do do do do do do #
I want to run a level-3 diagnostic
on the port plasma relays.
- A generator is fluctuating.
- Fine. Let's do that.
That's it!
Replay from time index 924.
Magnify this section and enhance.
Their shields are operating
on a modulation of 257.4.
Adjust our torpedo frequency
to match 257.4!
They have found a way
to penetrate our shields!
Lock phasers and return fire!
Deanna, take the helm!
Get us out of orbit!
Hull breach on decks 31 through 35.
Mr Worf, what do we know about
that old Klingon ship?
- Any weaknesses?
- It is a class D-12 Bird of Prey.
They were retired from service
because of defective plasma coils.
Can we can use that
to our advantage?
I do not see how.
The plasma coil is part
of their cloaking device.
Let's get a stabiliser
on that conduit.
Reinforce that starboard interlock.
We need
Звёздный путь: Поколения Звёздный путь: Поколения

Читайте также:
- текст Дюна на английском
- текст Гостья из будущего на английском
- текст Конан-разрушитель на английском
- текст Чудеса своего рода на английском
- текст Клуб Парадиз на английском

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