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cannot continue
with this investigation.
I wish to be deactivated
until the emotion chip is removed.
Are you having some kind
of malfunction?
No, sir. I simply
do not have the ability
to control these emotions.
Data, I have nothing but sympathy
for what you're feeling,
but right now, I need you to...
Sir, I no longer
want these emotions!
Deactivating me is
the only viable solution.
Part of having feelings
is learning to integrate them
into your life, Data.
Learning to live with them...
- Sir... I cannot!
- No matter what the circumstances.
You will not be deactivated.
You're an officer, and I require you
to perform your duty.
- That is an order, Commander.
- Yes, sir.
I will try, sir.
Sometimes it takes courage
to try, Data.
Courage can be an emotion, too.
Can you project the course
of the ribbon?
I believe so.
Enhance grid 9-A.
Where was the Amargosa star?
You said that when
the Amargosa star was destroyed,
it affected the gravitational
forces in this sector.
Did the computer
take that into account
when it projected
the ribbon's course?
No. I will make adjustments.
PICARD: That's what Soran's doing.
He's changing the course
of the ribbon.
But why? Why would he...
Why would he try
to change its path?
Why doesn't he fly into it
with a ship?
Every ship which
has approached the ribbon
has either been destroyed
or severely damaged.
He can't get to the ribbon,
so he's trying to make
the ribbon come to him.
Does it pass near
to any M-class planets?
Yes, sir.
There are two
in the Veridian system.
Well, it gets close to
Veridian III, but not close enough.
Data, what would happen
to the ribbon's course
if Soran destroyed
the Veridian star itself?
That's where he's going.
It should be noted, sir,
that the collapse of the Veridian
star would produce a shock wave
similar to the one
we observed at Amargosa,
destroying all the planets
in this system.
Veridian III is uninhabited.
However, Veridian IV supports
a pre-industrial humanoid society.
230 million, sir.
- Picard to bridge.
- 'Worf here, sir.'
Set a course for the
Veridian system, maximum warp.
Did you get anything
from the human?
No. His heart just wasn't in it.
We have entered orbit
of Veridian III.
Prepare to transport me
to the surface.
When do we get our payment?
Ha ha ha!
This contains all
the information you'll need
to make a trilithium weapon.
It's been coded.
Once I'm safely to the surface,
I'll transmit the decryption
sequence to you...not before.
Mistress, a Federation starship
is entering the system.
What? On viewer.
HELMSMAN: They're hailing us.
LURSA: We're still cloaked.
They can't see us.
PICARD: 'Klingon vessel.
'We know what you are doing,
'and we will destroy any probe
launched toward the Veridian star.
'We demand that you return
our chief engineer
'and leave this system immediately.'
There's no time for this.
Eliminate them.
That is a galaxy-class starship.
We are no match for them.
I think it's time we gave
Mr LaForge his sight back.
Maybe they're not out there.
They're trying to decide if
a 20-year-old Klingon Bird of Prey
can be a match
for the Federation flagship.
Perhaps they're on the surface.
According to my calculations,
a solar probe launched
from either the Klingon ship
or the planet's surface will take 11
seconds to reach the sun.
But, since we do not have
a point of origin,
it'll take between 8 and 15 seconds
to lock our weapons onto it.
- That's a big margin of error.
- Much too big.
How long before the ribbon arrives?
Approximately 47 minutes, sir.
I have got to find some way
to get to Soran.
Klingon vessel decloaking
directly ahead, sir.
- They are hailing.
- On screen.
Captain. What an
unexpected pleasure.
Lursa, it is very important
that I speak with Soran.
I'm afraid the doctor
is no longer aboard our ship.
Then I will beam to
Звёздный путь: Поколения Звёздный путь: Поколения

Читайте также:
- текст Пролетая над гнездом кукушки на английском
- текст Гамлет на английском
- текст Доходный дом Иккоку на английском
- текст Соседи на английском
- текст Назад в будущее 3 на английском

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