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ship called the Lakul.
That ship was later destroyed
by some kind of energy ribbon,
but Soran and 46 others
were rescued by the Enterprise-B.
That was the mission
where James Kirk was killed.
I checked the passenger manifest
of the Lakul.
CRUSHER: Guess who else
was on board.
Soran is a name
I haven't heard for a long time.
- You remember him?
- Yes.
Guinan, it is very important
that you tell me
everything that you know.
We think that Soran
has developed a weapon...
a terrible weapon...
It might give him power
to destroy...
Soran doesn't care
about weapons or power.
He cares about
getting back to the Nexus.
What's the Nexus?
The energy ribbon
that destroyed that ship
was no random phenomenon
travelling through the universe.
It's a doorway to another place
that we call the Nexus.
It's a place I've tried
very, very hard to forget.
What happened?
It was like being inside joy...
As if joy were tangible
and you could wrap yourself up
in it like a blanket.
And never in my entire life
have I ever been as content.
And then you were
beamed away from there.
Pulled...ripped away.
None of us wanted to go.
I would have done anything...
anything to get back there.
Once I realised it was impossible, I
learned to live with that.
And Soran?
If he's still obsessed, he could be
a very, very dangerous man.
Why would he destroy a star?
Thank you, Guinan.
If you go...
you're not going to care
about anything...
Not this ship, not Soran,
not me, nothing.
All you'll want is to stay
in the Nexus...
and you're not going to want
to come back.
Marvellous technology.
This is a remarkable
piece of equipment.
Glad you approve.
It's not very stylish,
though, is it?
Have you ever considered
a prosthesis
that would make
you look a little more...
how can I say...
more normal?
- What's normal?
- What's normal?
Well, that's a good question.
Normal is what everyone else is
and you are not.
Can we just get
down to it, please?
What do you want?
As you may
or may not be aware,
I am an El Aurian.
Some people call us
a race of listeners.
We listen.
Right now, Mr LaForge,
you have my complete attention.
I want to listen to everything
you know about trilithium.
PICARD: Captain's log,
stardate 48632.4.
Dr Crusher has informed me
that Data's emotion chip
has been fused into his neural net
and cannot be removed.
However, she believes
he is fit for duty,
so I've asked him to join me
in stellar cartography.
DATA: According to our information,
the ribbon is a conflux
of temporal energy
which travels through this galaxy
every 39.1 years.
It will pass through this sector
in approximately 42 hours.
Yes. Guinan was right.
Soran was trying
to get back to the ribbon.
If that's true,
there has to be some connection
with the Amargosa star.
Data, give me a list
of anything
that was affected
by the star's destruction,
no matter how insignificant.
Sorry, sir.
It will take the computer
a few moments
to compile the information.
You all right?
No, sir.
I am finding it
difficult to concentrate.
I believe I am overwhelmed
with feelings of remorse and regret
concerning my actions
on the observatory.
What do you mean?
I wanted to save Geordi,
but I experienced something
I did not expect.
I was afraid.
According to our information, the
destruction of the Amargosa star
had the following effects
in this sector.
Gamma emissions
have increased by .05%
The starship Bozeman was forced
to make a course correction.
- Ambient magnetic fields...
- Wait. The Bozeman...
Why would it make
a course correction?
The destruction
of the Amargosa star
has altered the gravitational
forces throughout this sector.
As a result, any ship passing
through this region
would have to make
a minor course correction.
Minor course correction.
Where's the ribbon now?
DATA: This is
its current position.
Can you project its course?
Звёздный путь: Поколения Звёздный путь: Поколения

Читайте также:
- текст Слизняк на английском
- текст Вий на английском
- текст Звёздные войны: Праздничный спецвыпуск на английском
- текст Дом дураков на английском
- текст Кин-Дза-Дза на английском

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