shut it off? Of course. I'd be only too happy to. DATA: Please...please... Do not... Do not hurt me. Please. Please. DOORBELL BEEPS BEEP Yes. Come. Yes, Counsellor? Is there something I can do for you? Actually, I'm here to see if there's anything I can do for you. Oh, it's just family matters. You never met my brother and his wife, did you? No. Robert. So opinionated. So pompous and arrogant. He always had to have the last word, but he mellowed a little bit in the last few years. I was going to get together with them next month on Earth. I thought we'd go to San Francisco. Ren's always wanted to see Starfleet Academy. Ren? Oh, your nephew. Yeah. He's so unlike his father. He's a dreamer...imaginative. He's so very gentle. STARTS CRYING What's happened? Robert and Ren they... burned to death in a fire. I'm sorry. It's all right. It's all right. These things happen. Captain, it's not all right. I can't help thinking about... about all the experiences that Ren is not going to have... Not going to the Academy, reading books and listening to music, falling in love... building a life. Well, it's not going to happen... now. I didn't realise he meant so much to you. I had come to feel that Ren was as close as I would get to having a child of my own. Your family history is very important to you, isn't it? What? Oh. From being a child, I can remember being told about the family line. The Picard who fought at Trafalgar, the Picard who won the Nobel Prize for chemistry, the Picards who settled the first Martian colonies. And when Robert married and he had a son, I... You felt it was no longer your responsibility to carry on the family line. Right. Yes. That's it exactly. You know, Counsellor, recently I have become very much aware that there were fewer days ahead than there are behind, but I took some comfort from the fact that the... that the family would go on. But now there will be no more Picards. Report. A quantum implosion has occurred within the Amargosa star. All nuclear fusion is breaking down. How is that possible? Sensor records show the observatory launched a probe into the sun a few moments ago. The star will collapse in minutes. Sir, the implosion has produced a level-12 shock wave. - It'll destroy the entire system. - 'Transporter room to bridge. 'I can't locate Commander LaForge or Mr Data, sir.' - Have they come back to the ship? - No. They are not on board. When does the shock wave hit the observatory? - 4 minutes, 40 seconds. - Number One. - Mr Worf. - Aye, sir. WOMAN: 'Soran, transmit your coordinates.' What the hell's he doing? PICARD: 'Enterprise to Commander Riker. You have two minutes left.' You hear that, Soran? We have a level-12 shock wave coming in. We've got to get out of here! A Klingon Bird of Prey is decloaking off the port bow. What? Data, see if you can get to Geordi. I... I cannot, sir. WOMAN: 'Prepare for transport.' MAN: 'Commander Riker's team is aboard, sir.' Helm, warp one. Engage! You've done it, Soran. Aah! Wait! I hope for your sake you are initiating a mating ritual. You got careless. The Romulans came looking for their missing trilithium. Impossible. We left no survivors on their outpost. They knew it was on the observatory. If the Enterprise hadn't intervened they would've found it. They didn't find it, and now we have a weapon of unlimited power. No, Lursa. I have the weapon. If you want me to give it to you, I would advise you to be more careful in the future. Perhaps we are tired of waiting. CHUCKLES Without my research, the trilithium is worthless... as are your plans to reconquer the Klingon empire. SORAN: Set course for the Veridian system... maximum warp. Bosh-ta-jah... Veridian. CRUSHER: He's an El Aurian... over 300 years old. He lost his family when the Borg destroyed his planet. Soran escaped with other refugees aboard a
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