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Romulan threat in this sector.
Inform Starfleet Command.
You want me to contact Starfleet?
- Is there a problem?
- No, sir.
There was something else, Captain.
One of the scientists, a Dr Soran,
insisted on speaking with you.
I told him
you were very busy.
He said it was imperative
that he speak with you.
Understood. That will be all.
Sir, is there anything...
No, thank you.
Gentlemen, something new
from Frocas III?
I believe this beverage
has produced an emotional response.
Really? What are you feeling?
I am uncertain.
As I have had little experience
with emotion,
I am unable to...articulate
the sensation.
I'll explain later.
Well, it looks like he hates it.
Yes. That is it.
- I hate this!
- I think the chip is working.
Oh, yes! I hate this!
It is revolting!
- More?
- Please.
I'm looking for a Dr Soran
from the observatory.
Dr Soran?
Yes? Ah, yes, Captain.
Thank you for coming.
There is something urgent
you wish to discuss.
Yes. I must return
to the observatory immediately.
I must continue an experiment I've
been running on the Amargosa star.
We're still conducting
our investigation into the attack.
As soon as that is complete,
I'll allow you to return, but till
then there's nothing I can do.
Timing is very important
in my experiment, sir.
If it's not completed
in the next 12 hours,
years of research will be lost.
We are doing our best.
If you'll excuse me.
They say time is the fire
in which we burn.
Right now, Captain,
my time is running out.
We leave so many things
unfinished in our lives.
I know you understand.
I'll see what I can do.
WORF: We have analysed
the Romulan's tricorder.
They were scanning
for signature particles
- of a compound called trilithium.
- Trilithium?
An experimental compound
the Romulans are working on.
Trilithium is a nuclear inhibitor.
In theory, it could
stop all fusion within a star.
However, the Romulans
never found a way to stabilise it.
Why would they look for it
on a Federation observatory?
I do not know.
Have Geordi and Data go over
with the away team.
Tell them to scan the observatory
for trilithium.
Well, there's no sign
of any trilithium over here.
Ha ha ha!
I get it! Ha ha ha!
- I get it!
- You get what?
When you said
to Commander Riker,
"The clown can stay,
"but the Ferengi
in the gorilla suit has to go."
- What are you talking about?
- During the Farpoint mission.
We were on the bridge.
You told a joke.
That was the punch line.
The Farpoint...
- Data, that was seven years ago.
- I know. I just got it.
Very funny. Ha ha ha!
Wait a minute.
There's a door hidden
right behind you.
I can see the separation
with my visor.
There appears to be
a dampening field in operation.
I cannot scan beyond the bulkhead.
Ha ha ha!
There doesn't seem to be
a control panel or an access port.
It appears to be
magnetically sealed.
I can reverse the polarity
by attenuating my axial servo.
Open sesame.
Ha ha ha!
You could say I have
a magnetic personality.
Ha ha ha!
Humour! I love it!
come take a look at this, will you?
You ever seen a solar probe
with this kind of configuration?
No, Geordi, I have not.
Have you?
No, I have not.
It is most unusual.
He he he! Mr Tricorder. Ha ha ha!
Just see if you can help me
get these panels open.
Make it so.
Whoa. My visor's picking up
something in the Theta band.
It could be a trilithium signature.
Ha ha ha!
We don't have time for this.
I cannot help myself.
I think something is wrong.
Data... Data, are you all right?
I believe the emotion chip
has overloaded my positronic relay.
We'd better get you
back to the ship.
LaForge to Enterprise.
LaForge to Enterprise.
Gentlemen, is there a problem?
GEORDI: Dr Soran.
There seems to be some sort
of dampening field in here.
It's blocking our com signal.
Can you
Звёздный путь: Поколения Звёздный путь: Поколения

Читайте также:
- текст Искушение Б. на английском
- текст Остров на английском
- текст Феррис Бьюллер берёт выходной на английском
- текст Приключения Бакару Банзая в восьмом измерении на английском
- текст Упущенная галактика на английском

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