ships. That might break them free. There's too much quantum interference, Captain. What about...venting plasma from the warp nacelles? - It may disrupt the ribbon's hold. - Aye, sir. Releasing drive plasma. It's not having any effect, sir. Sir, the starboard vessel's hull is collapsing. CHEKOV: How many people were on that ship? DEMORA: 265. Sir, the Lakul's hull integrity is down to 12% Captain Kirk... I would appreciate any suggestions you might have. Move us within transporter range and beam those people aboard. The gravimetric distortions will tear us apart. Risk is part of the game if you want to sit in that chair. Close to within transporter range. Second, turn that damn thing off. We're within range, sir. - Beam them to sickbay. - Aye, sir. CHEKOV: How big is your medical staff? The medical staff... doesn't arrive till Tuesday. SPEAKING RUSSIAN You and you, you've just become nurses. Let's go. Engineering reports fluctuations in the warp plasma relays. Sir, I'm having trouble locking on to them. They appear to be in some sort of temporal flux. Scotty. Their life signs are phasing in and out of our space-time continuum. - Phasing? To where? - Sir, their hull's collapsing. KIRK: Beam them out of there, Scotty! SCOTTY: Transport complete. I got 47... out of 150. SCREAMING SCREAMING Report! We're caught in a gravimetric field emanating from the ribbon's edge. All engines, full reverse! It's going to be all right. We're going to help you. Everything is OK. Everything is fine. Why? Why? You're safe. You're on the Enterprise. - No. I have to go back. - You need to stay here. No. It's important. You don't understand. Let me go back! Let me go back! Let me go back! Let me go back! Please! Uh! INJECTS WITH HYPOSPRAY - What was he talking about? - I have no idea. Excuse me. Can I help you? It's going to be OK. It will be all right. You just need to rest. Come over here. There's just no way to disrupt a gravimetric field of this magnitude. Hull integrity at 82% - I have a theory. - I thought you might. An anti-matter discharge ahead might disrupt the field long enough for us to break away. - Photon torpedoes. - We're losing main power. Load torpedo bays. Prepare to fire at my command. - We don't have any torpedoes. - Don't tell me. Tuesday. Hull integrity at 40% Captain, it may be possible to simulate a torpedo blast using a resonance burst from the main deflector dish. EXPLOSION - Where are the deflector relays? - Deck 15, section 21 Alpha. I'll go. You have the bridge. KIRK: Wait. Your place is on the bridge of your ship. I'll take care of it. Scotty, keep things together till I get back. I always do. 45 seconds to structural collapse. Bridge to Captain Kirk. Kirk here. 'I don't know how much longer I can hold her together.' That's it! Let's go! Activate main deflector. We're breaking free. DEMORA: It's all right. I'm increasing power to compensate. We're clear. You did it, Kirk! Damage report, Ensign. There's some buckling on the starboard nacelle. We've also got a hull breach in the engineering section. Emergency forcefields in place and holding. Where? Sections 20 through 28 on decks 13, 14... and 15. Bridge to Captain Kirk. Captain Kirk, please respond. Have Chekov meet me on deck 15. My God! Was anyone in here? Aye. MAN: Bring out the prisoner! Mr Worf, I always knew this day would come. Are you prepared to face the charges? Answer him. I am prepared. "We, the officers and crew of the USS Enterprise, "being of sound mind and judgement, "hereby make the following charges "against Lieutenant Worf. "One, that he did knowingly and Willfully "perform above and beyond the call of duty "on countless occasions. "Two...most seriously... "that he has earned the admiration and respect "of the entire crew." Mr Worf, I hereby promote you to the rank of lieutenant commander
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