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Звёздный путь: Поколения

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off the Council?
..put your shoes away.
I promise.
Now I gotcha!
Some children are certainly
making a lot of noise in here!
You shouldn't be outside so long.
It's damaging.
I'm wearing your skin protector.
And you, young man?
Do you wear your skin protector?
You do? Good boy.
Happy day.
It's time to see the launching.
What launching? What's he saying?
They're sending up a missile.
We are going to watch it.
I'm not going anywhere!
Come on, Kamie. Hurry up now.
Let's go see the launching.
It breaks my heart to look at him.
- Who?
- My grandson.
It breaks my heart.
He deserves a rich, full life
and he's not going to get one.
Please come, Father.
Why didn't I hear
about the launching?
Did everyone know about this
except me?
I'll be alright sitting here.
You go off with the others.
Hold on to my grandson
and watch the damn thing go up
for all the good it'll do!
What are they launching?
You know about it, Father.
You've already seen it.
Seen it? What are you talking about?
I haven't seen any missile.
Yes, you have, old friend.
Don't you remember?
You saw it
just before you came here.
We hoped our probe would encounter
someone in the future.
Someone who could be a teacher.
Someone who could tell
the others about us.
It's me!
Isn't it?
I'm the someone.
I'm the one you find.
That's what this launching is.
A probe that finds me in the future.
Yes, my love.
The rest of us
have been gone a thousand years.
If you remember what we were,
and how we lived,
then we'll have found life again.
Now we live in you.
Tell them of us, my darling.
Something's happening.
The nucleonic beam has ceased.
The probe has shut down.
Cerebral functions are stabilising.
Mr Worf, get that probe
in bay two for examination.
Yes, Commander.
Please, Captain,
don't get up too quickly.
This is the Enterprise.
I'm Jean-Luc Picard.
How long...?
20, 25 minutes.
25 minutes?!
I want you in sickbay. I'd like
to run a full diagnostic on you.
Dr Crusher...
Hello, sir. Feeling better?
Yes. Yes, thank you.
Well, I find that I'm...
I'm having to rediscover
that this is really my home.
We were able to open the probe
and examine it.
Whatever it was that locked on to you
was self-terminating.
It isn't functioning any longer.
We found this inside.
Звёздный путь: Поколения

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- текст Киборг на английском

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