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A good scientist
doesn't function by conjecture.
A good scientist functions
by hypothesising
then proving or disproving
that hypothesis. That's what I did.
You should see more
of that young man Dannick.
You are changing the subject.
I'm not. I'm just hypothesising
that he's in love with you.
You've taught me to pursue the
truth, no matter how painful it is.
It's too late to back off now.
This planet is dying.
Perhaps I should have filled
your head with trivia.
Games and toys and clothes.
- I don't think you mean that.
- No, I don't.
It just...
It saddens me to see you...
..burdened with the knowledge
of things you can't change.
I think I should marry Dannick sooner
rather than later, don't you?
Seize the time, Meribor. Live now.
Make now
always the most precious time.
Now will never come again.
I love you, Father.
His vital signs are holding.
They've been stable
since the beam was restored.
Cmdr Riker. We've received telemetry
from the probe we launched.
Go ahead.
We charted
the alien probe's radiation trail.
Can you extrapolate an origin?
A star system in the Silarian Sector.
Never heard of it. Data?
An unmapped system of six planets.
- Any of them inhabited?
- Not now.
The star went nova.
All life in this system
was destroyed 1 ,000 years ago.
I've put away your shoes
for you again.
Yes, thank you, dear.
I've been looking through this thing
on and off for over 30 years.
And I still don't see what you
and Meribor find so fascinating.
Fine. Then maybe you'll sit down
and have a rest like you should do.
You treat me like some frail flower.
People have surgery all the time.
He loves playing.
He's quite good at it,
don't you think?
He loves doing a lot of things.
Last week, all he wanted to be was
a botanist. Before that, a sculptor.
I wish he would find
some focus in his life.
I think he has.
Maybe you should talk to him.
Your mother thinks
you have something to tell me.
I was waiting for the right moment,
but that will never come.
- I'm leaving school.
- Leaving school? No, you're not!
I want to concentrate on my music.
That's what I care about.
Last year, it was mathematics.
Before that, botany...
Through it all,
there was my music.
I think you know that, Father.
This is the life I want.
Well, we'll...
- We'll discuss it.
- Thank you, Father.
Even after all these years,
you still have the ability
to surprise me.
If music is what he wants,
why should I stand in his way?
Anyway, who knows how much time
he'll have to follow any dream?
Are you still planning to talk
to the Administrator tomorrow?
There's a possibility
he'll dismiss me from the Council.
Unless you keep quiet.
No. The evidence is too pronounced.
I can't stay silent.
What a surprise...
Kamin, what do you hope
to accomplish?
Spreading rumours that the planet
is doomed. There could be chaos.
The facts are here! Show them
to someone who understands.
I won't be a party
to your making trouble!
If you won't take them, I will!
Your observations, your findings...
Our scientists reached
those conclusions two years ago.
What did you expect us to do?
Make it public? lmagine the effect!
But surely, technology must exist
to save something of this world.
some people could be evacuated.
Evacuated where?
Our technology is limited.
We're just beginning
to launch small missiles.
A collection of genetic samples.
Something! Anything!
You cannot let this civilisation die!
There is a plan in work.
I can't tell you more than that.
- What is it?
- It's Mother. Hurry!
Kamin, I'm sorry.
I go to any lengths
to get your attention.
You always did have a flair
for the dramatic!
Doctor, thank you.
Leave us alone for a moment.
I need to talk to my husband.
Did you show the Administrator
your evidence?
I didn't have to. They already knew.
So, he won't throw you
Звёздный путь: Поколения Звёздный путь: Поколения

Читайте также:
- текст Возможности карьеры на английском
- текст Аэроплан II: Продолжение на английском
- текст Доктор Живаго на английском
- текст Золушка на английском
- текст Космические пришельцы на английском

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