You've been brooding behind that flute all evening. I'm not brooding. I'm immersed in my music. Music. I find that it helps me to think, but the real surprise is I enjoy it so much. No, the real surprise is you're actually improving! - Batai. - Yes, ma'am. - Go home. - Yes, ma'am. - Goodnight, Kamin. - Goodnight, my friend. Go carefully, Batai. Don't forget these! I won't put them away for you again. Yes, ma'am! I've done nothing but nag all day. I'm sorry. No, I'm the one who's sorry. Everything you said this morning was absolutely correct. I feel that I have given you so little and you have given me so much. No. You're a good man. A wonderful husband. I didn't mean... No, not such a wonderful husband. I spend my time charting the stars. I disappear for days at a time, exploring the countryside. My life is very much as it was. Old habits. You're gentle and kind. You never once raised your voice to me. I'd like your permission to build something. You've built your telescope, your laboratory. - You don't need my permission. - In this case, I do. What is it? A nursery. Really? Really? Unless, of course, you would prefer a porch. It would be easier to build. - I could make a start right away. - No. Any progress identifying the probe? Maybe. We've picked up residue on the probe's shell. It may be from the propulsion system. They used a solid propellant as fuel. A solid propellant? Crystalline emiristol. It produces a trail we can trace. We can send our own probe and trace it back to the origin. I'll get right on it. I have analysed the nucleonic beam. It may be possible to reflect the particles back to the probe - to disrupt the signal. - Doctor? I don't know the risk of shutting down the beam. I won't let it keep drilling into him! If somebody gets stabbed, you don't just pull the knife out. It may do more harm than leaving it. The Captain is under attack. We must act. I'm inclined to agree. Doctor, monitor him closely. Mr Data, prepare to disrupt the beam. We're going to try to cut this cord. Meribor! Meribor, this is your brother's ceremony. Don't fidget, now. We name this child for a dear friend who died a year ago. But now, his memory will live on in his namesake. We name you Batai, in his honour. And he's starting out in the warmth of friends. Thank you. Help yourselves to something to eat. - Congratulations, Kamin. - Thank you. It seems like only yesterday we had Meribor's naming ceremony. Go on! I remember. I was so nervous, I was afraid that I would drop her. - Now look at the little lady. - She's no lady! Tromping through the hills with you all day, digging up those soil samples you insist on collecting. She's her father's daughter. I always believed that I didn't need children to complete my life. Now I couldn't imagine life without them. Kamin, what is it? Get the doctor. Hurry! His respiratory system's in spasm. Pulse is irregular and weakening. - I'm losing him. - Somatophysical failure. 2cc delactovine! Data, get that beam back! Fluctuations in the isocortex. Synaptic responses failing. Begin full cardiac induction. Blood pressure is dropping rapidly. 70 over 20. - Data, re-establish that beam! - I am attempting to do so. - Losing response. - Cortical stimulators. Start at ten percent. The beam is fully restored, Doctor. Blood pressure up to 90 over 40 and rising. Isocortical functions stabilising, vital signs approaching normal. - Meribor. - Happy day, Father. That's my hobby. Find your own! You're the one who taught me. Don't complain if you turned me into a scientist. What has the scientist been up to today? Analysing soil samples. There isn't any anaerobic bacteria. The soil is dead. This isn't just a very long drought, is it? My log entries go back ten years. You have data preceding that for 1 5 years. You've reached the same conclusion. I haven't reached any
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