activity. This is odd. - What is it? - There's no evidence of injury. Vital signs are normal. But neurotransmitter production is off the scale. What's going on? This probe is doing something. Anything yet, Data? No, sir. The particle emission is unusual. I am unable to block it. We should destroy the probe. Phasers are ready. That's not wise, not until we know what it's doing. Agreed. Stand down phasers, Mr Worf. In the meantime, take us out of range. Thrusters only, 1 00kph, nice and easy. - Aye, sir. - Data? The probe is moving with us, holding relative position. It's connected itself to him, like a tether. You've been dreaming about your starship again, haven't you? I'm just charting the progress of the course of the sun. It might give a clue to the cause of this drought. I think you're still trying to figure out where you are. Where that ship of yours is. How to get back to that life. The memory is five years old now. But it's still inside me. Was your life there so much better than this? So much more gratifying, so much more fulfilling, that you cling to it with such stubbornness? - Eline... - It must have been extraordinary. But never in all the stories you've told me have you mentioned anyone who loved you as I do. It was real. It was as real as this is. And you can't expect me to forget a lifetime spent there. Yes, I can. I've been patient, Kamin. For five years, I've shared you with that other life. I've listened, I've tried to understand. And I have waited. - When do I get you back? - I know. It has been hard on you. When will you let go? When will you start living this life? When will we start a family? - Kamin. Eline. Good morning. - Good morning, Batai. Are you ready? The Administrator's here. Yes. Will you come along? No, thank you. You do very well on your own. She always was strong-minded, even as a child. It's not her fault. These past few years have been difficult for her. And for you, I think. There you are, Batai. Perhaps you can explain, when crops are dying all over, how this tree is flourishing? Well, this tree is our symbol. Our affirmation of life. Everyone gives part of their water rations to keep it alive. We've learned, Administrator, that hope is a powerful weapon against anything. - Even drought. - A good point. Perhaps I'll recommend a symbolic tree in each of my communities. What business have we today? We need help to increase the water supply. We think there are ways to reclaim some of our water. You're being a bit of an alarmist. True, we're in a drought, but water rationing has produced savings. If the weather doesn't change, we'll run out of water. - Who is this? - Kamin, sir. Kamin! - Do I know you? - No. I haven't spoken to you before. Kamin, I'm open to all the people of this town. I'm delighted to hear what you have to say. I suggest that we build atmospheric condensers which could extract water from the air. I don't mean to quash your very creative ideas, but building atmospheric condensers would be a monumental undertaking. We could not sustain such a project. Each community will be responsible for its own. It's a choice between watering our crops, and watching them die. Well, I'll be glad to pass along your idea. This kind of participatory government works for everyone. Be well, Batai. I shall see you next month. Good to meet you,... Kanan. Go carefully, Administrator. That went very well. I think he was impressed with you. But there'll be no atmospheric condensers. These things take time. But it will happen, I'm sure of it. Come and have supper tonight, old friend. I'll make some vegetable stew. Let's talk about building our own condenser. Kamin. Hearing you talk to the Administrator, I realise that, for the first time in years, you were speaking as though you were truly a member of the community. It was good to hear that again.
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