perimeter. The probe is emitting a particle stream. - It is penetrating our shields. - Increase speed to... Captain! It's alright! Captain, I've got you. It's... Well, finally. How are you feeling? Kamin, can you answer me? - What is this place? - You're still feverish. Computer, freeze program. Computer, end program! Kamin. Picard to Enterprise! Kamin, please don't get up. You're still not well. I asked you, what is this place? This is your home, of course! Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. Its continuing mission, to explore strange new worlds,... seek out new life and new civilisations,... boldly go where no one has gone before. Am I a prisoner here? You've had a high fever for three days. You mustn't push yourself too quickly. Kamin! You really shouldn't go outside! Kamin! Please, come back inside. Thank you. This sapling is planted as an affirmation of life, in defiance of the drought and with expectations of long life. Whatever comes, we will keep it alive as a symbol of our survival. Kamin! You're back on your feet. How do you feel? Are you in charge here? - In charge? - I want to be returned to my ship. What ship is that? Please. Just tell me, what is this place? Where am l? The fever. It's taken your memory. That must be it. - Perhaps you can help me. - Anything, my friend. - My name is Kamin? - Yes. - And you are? - Batai. Council Leader Batai. Batai. And you say I've been ill? For more than a week. Eline should have put you in the hospital, but she insisted on caring for you. - Eline? - Your wife. If you don't remember that, maybe it's safer not to go home! And... what is this place? - Perhaps you should see the doctor. - No, please. I'm sure it will all come back to me. Well, this... is the community of Ressik. Northern Province. - What planet? - Let me take you home. No, really, I'm quite alright. Just answer me. What planet? This is the planet Kataan. Kataan. Not a Federation planet. I... think I'll... just take a walk. But you've been ill for a week! The exercise will do me good. I'll... try to reacquaint myself with the surroundings. Thank goodness! I've had people out trying to find you. Why did you worry us like that? Are you hungry? Hungry, thirsty,... exhausted. I suppose that proves this is not a dream, doesn't it? You think that this... your life is a dream? This is not my life! I know that much. I've kept something hot for you. Where did you go? I walked. For hours. And you're just out of bed! It's delicious. You always say that. Would you answer some questions, no matter how strange they seem? Of course. Are there other planets in this star system? Do you visit other systems? Alright. Do you have a communications system here? How do you send messages to other communities, other places? The usual way. By voice-transit conductor. - Do you want to send a message? - Yes. - When can that be arranged? - Tomorrow. - Don't you want to ask about us? - Of course. Anything you can tell me will be helpful. We... We... We're married? Three years ago. The happiest day of my life was the day we got married. And what do I do here in Ressik? You're the best iron weaver in the community. At least, I think so. You prefer playing the flute, of course. - The flute? - Yes. When did I learn to play this? I'm afraid you never did, dear, but you keep trying. I see what you mean. Well, thank you for the soup. Thank you for your help. Tomorrow, will you help me send a message? Of course. Now, will you come to bed? - I'll sleep here. - Kamin, please come with me. I've been sick. I'll be tossing and turning. It wouldn't be fair to you. Let me be the judge of that. Where did you get this? Kamin, this is the first gift you ever gave me. Riker to sickbay, the Captain's hurt. Pulse and blood pressure are normal. Hyperactive fibrogenic
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