Dinner's ready, everyone. - Yay! - Yay! Dinner's ready, Papa. Go on. Go on without me. Guinan. - Can I leave the Nexus? - Where would you go? I don't understand. As I said, time has no meaning here. So if you leave, you can go anywhere, any time. All right. I know exactly where I want to go... To the mountaintop on Veridian III, before Soran destroyed the star. I have to stop him, but I need help. Now, if you were to come back with me, together... I can't leave. I'm there already, remember? But I know someone who can, and from his point of view, he just got here, too. Kirk. James T. Kirk. Beautiful day. Yes, it certainly is. Would you mind? Oh. Captain... I'm wondering. Do you realise... Hold on. Do you smell something burning? SIZZLING Looks like somebody was trying to cook some eggs. Come on in. KIRK: It's all right. It's my house. At least, it used to be. I sold it years ago. I'm Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the starship... Enterprise. The clock. I gave this clock to Bones. I'm from what you would consider the future... the 24th century. DOG BARKS Butler! Butler. How can you be here? He's been dead seven years. WOMAN: Come on, Jim. I'm starving. How long are you going to be rattling around in that kitchen? Antonia. What are you talking about? The future? This is the past. This is nine years ago... The day I told her... I was going back to Starfleet. These are Ktarian eggs, her favourite. I was preparing them to soften the blow. I know how real this must seem to you, but it's not. This isn't really your house. We are both of us caught up in some kind of temporal nexus. - Dill. - I beg your pardon? Dill weed. In the cabinet. Second shelf to the left. Behind the oregano. - How long have you been here? - I don't know. I was aboard the Enterprise-B in the deflector control room, and... - Stir these, will you? - Ow! The bulkhead in front of me disappeared, and then I found myself out there just now, chopping wood, right before you walked up. Thanks. Look, ah...history records that you died saving the Enterprise-B from an energy ribbon 80 years ago. - You say this is the 24th century? - Uh-huh. And I'm dead? Not exactly. As I said, this is some kind of... BOTH: ..temporal nexus. - Yes, I heard you. - I, um... Something is missing. Mmm. Captain, look. I need your help. I want you to leave the Nexus with me. We have to go back to a planet... Veridian III. We have to stop a man called Soran from destroying a star. Millions of lives are at stake. You say history considers me dead. Who am I to argue with history? You're a Starfleet officer. You have a duty. Don't lecture me. I was out saving the galaxy when your grandfather was in diapers. Besides which, I think the galaxy owes me one. All right. I was like you once... So worried about duty and obligation, I couldn't see past my own uniform. And what did it get me? An empty house. Not this time. This time, I'm going to walk up these stairs, march into that bedroom, and tell Antonia I want to marry her. This time it's going to be different. HORSE NEIGHING - This is not your bedroom. - No, it's not. It's better. - Better? - This is my uncle's barn in Idaho. I took this horse out for a ride 11 years ago on a spring day... ..like this one. If I'm right, this is the day I met Antonia. This Nexus of yours...very clever. I can start all over again and do things right from day one. HORSE NEIGHS I must have jumped that 50 times. It scared the hell out of me each time, except this time... Because it isn't real. HORSE NEIGHS PICARD: Antonia? She isn't real, either, is she? Nothing here is. Nothing here matters. You know, maybe this isn't about an empty house. Maybe it's about that empty chair on the bridge of the Enterprise. Ever since I left Starfleet, I haven't made a difference. - Captain of the Enterprise? - That's right. -
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