How does it feel to be back on the Enterprise bridge? Captain Kirk, can I ask you a few questions? Did you participate in the redesign? We'd like to know how you feel... Excuse me. Excuse me. There will be time for questions later. I'm Captain John Harriman, and I'd like to welcome you all aboard. It's our pleasure. I want you to know how excited we are to have living legends with us on our maiden voyage. I was reading about your missions when I was in grade school. Oh, really? - Well...may we have a look around? - Please. Please. - Demora. - Excuse me, Captain. This is the first Enterprise in 30 years without James T Kirk in command. How do you feel? Fine. I'm glad to send her on her way. What have you been doing since you retired? - Keeping busy. - Just a few more questions, sir. HARRIMAN: Let's give the captain a chance to look around. Captain. Excuse me. I'd like you to meet the helmsman of the Enterprise-B. Demora. Ensign Demora Sulu. It's a pleasure to meet you, sir. My father's told me some interesting stories about you. - Your father is Hikaru Sulu? - Yes, sir. - You've met her before, but... - It wasn't that long ago. - Couldn't be more than... - 12 years. - 12 years? - Absolutely. Incredible. Congratulations, Ensign. It wouldn't be the Enterprise - without a Sulu at the helm. - Thank you, sir. I'm sure Hikaru must be very proud of you. I hope so. - I was never that young. - No... You were younger. - Damn fine ship, if you ask me. - Scotty, it absolutely amazes me. What would that be, sir? Sulu. When did he find time for a family? Like you always say, if something's important, you make the time. Oh, so that's why you seem so restless. Finding retirement a little lonely, are we? You know, I'm glad you're an engineer. With tact like that, you'd make a lousy psychiatrist. LAUGHS Excuse me, gentlemen, if you'll take your seats... Oh. Yes, of course. Prepare to leave spacedock. Aft thrusters ahead 1/4, port and starboard at station keeping. - Captain Kirk. - Yes? I'd be honoured if you'd give the order to get under way. Oh, thank you very much. I... - Please, sir. - No, no, no. Please. I insist. Take us out. - Very good, sir. - Brought a tear to me eye. Oh, be quiet. Gentlemen, now that you've seen the rest of the ship, how does it feel to be back? ALL: Fine. Ladies and gentlemen, we've cleared the asteroid belt. Our course will take us beyond Pluto and back to spacedock. Just a quick run around the block. will there be any tests on the warp drive system? We're picking up a distress call, Captain. BEEPING On speakers. DISTORTED MALE VOICE 'This is the transport ship Lakul. 'We're caught in an energy distortion. 'Two ships are trapped in a severe gravimetric distortion. 'We can't break free. We need help. 'It's tearing us apart. This is the trans...' The Lakul is transporting El Aurian refugees to Earth. Ensign Sulu, can you locate them? The ships are bearing at 310 mark 215. Distance...3 light-years. Signal the closest starship. We cannot mount a rescue. - We don't have a full crew aboard. - We're the only one in range, sir. Well, then... I guess it's up to us. Helm, lay in an intercept course and engage at maximum warp. DEMORA: Aye, sir. Captain, is there something wrong with your chair? We're within visual range of the energy distortion, Captain. On screen. CHEKOV: What the hell is that? I've located the transport ships. Their hulls are starting to buckle under the stress. They won't survive much longer. EXPLOSION We're encountering severe gravimetric distortions from the energy ribbon, Captain. We'll have to keep our distance. We don't want to get pulled in. - Tractor beam. - Hm? - Tractor beam. - We don't have one. You left spacedock without a tractor beam? It won't be installed until Tuesday. Ensign Sulu... Try generating a subspace field around the
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