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Фильмы по алфавиту

Главная / Золушка


1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12  
The men hunt the animal.
And we hunt the men.
Once again, I remind you,
don't right away ask for the
3-story castle, gold, diamonds, and furs.
Most importantly I ask...
don't intoduce him to your mother,
don't scare away the future husband.
Once again, I remind you,
don't right away ask for the
3-story castle, gold, diamonds, and furs.
Most importantly I ask...
don't intoduce him to your mother,
don't scare away the future husband.
Most importantly I ask...
don't intoduce him to your mother,
don't scare away the future husband.
Your Majesty,
everything is ready.
Should we start?
We must check that
we haven't forgotten anything.
- Have you cut the confetti?
- Yes.
Have the fireworks been made ready?
How much?
Is the ice ready?
Have the musicians been served wine?
- Yes!
Why on Earth did you serve
wine to the musicians?
Godmother! Is that you?!
I'm so happy to see you!
Why are you standing? You should sit?
Would you like some tea?
No, thank you, my dear!
What bird is this?
I wish you'd ask,
whether I want some tea.
Forgive me, please...
You drink tea?
No, I don't.
But it's important to ask.
I understand there's a ball
taking place in the kingdom today?
Yes, Godmother.
And you probably
really want to go there?
Honestly, no.
No need to hide the truth from me.
I remember my very first ball
like it was yesterday!
- Should I sing to you about it, my dear?
- I've never heard you sing!
You've never seen her dance either!
I'll sing you next time.
'Cause you don't want to be late, do you?
Or all the men
will get grabbed up by others.
Who will allow me in dressed this way?
You are going to have a small
transformation right now.
A transformation?
Does it hurt?
- It even feels pleasant.
- Be quiet!
Zolushka, close your eyes!
One, two...
One more time...
What did she say?
- She's in heaven!
- Got it.
END OF PART ONEThe big King's Ball...
I declare...
TV Channel INTER /Ukraine/
TV Channel One /Russia/
Everyone important is already here!
Champagne for me!
The girl wants to party!
Would you please draw
my full-body portrait?
a Melodrama Production
Oops, lost my shoe there!
Sneaking up on a teenager, the creep?
Lady, are you on the guest list?
What questions?
Of course I'm on the guest list!
Let me find it...
Vlad Ryashin
Aleksandr Faifman
Don't you have another guest list?
This is no guest list,
it's the national census count.
This doesn't count!
How can I not be on the guest list?
Are you on the guest list?
Who are you anyways?
I'm not on the guest list.
a movie of
Semyon Gorov
- Please, Duchess, come in...
- Thank you!
Lady, just a second,
you're still not on the guest list.
See that? Again!
Again I'm not on the guestlist.
I need to file a lawsuit!
Why is it that she can go in?
And I teenager-girl cannot?
Because, young lady,
I am Matilda Tousse.
Thank God I am not a Matilda.
But I really wanna "Tousse"!
("tousovatsya" = to party)
I hope these are the refreshments?
If these are refreshments,
then why not refresh myself, right?
So, who's on the menu?
Get lost.
Only beggars around.
Hey, girls,
any good men around here?
Still scanning the field.
At the last ball, girls,
I was introduced to ten new men!
So why did you not find a husband
at the last ball?
I am a lady of high demands!
An average man is not good enough for me!
So what kind of man do you need?
I need such a man...
that you three could not even imagine such in your wildest dreams!
It's New Year's Eve,
so where's my champagne?
I'll tell it all right now.
Even if you are a little over 30,
there's still hope
for you to marry a Prince.
The sun shines down on
everyone equally...
on both the princess
and the store clerk.
You and I are no longer children.
Золушка Золушка

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- текст Олимпиус Инферно на английском
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- текст Торпедоносцы на английском
- текст Смертельное влечение на английском
- текст Огонь, кровь, звезды на английском

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