kill Tommy Tong. He was weak, he might have betrayed us. Thank you, Lord. But why is the child still alive? You have no reason to fear him. He's surrounded at all times and in all the four directions by evil. Do not underestimate the power of good and do not dismiss the strength of the child. Time grows short. The child will never eat the blood. What must I do? Move the child before the Chosen One draws near. - And to kill him? - The Ajanti Dagger. It is not of this world. With it, you could kill the child. - But it's so well-guarded. How can I...? - Offer to exchange the child for it. They can refuse nothing for his safe return. Use the Ajanti Dagger. With it, you need no other evil. Use the dagger to kill the child. It's good to see you, Mr Jarrell. Get your monkey off my back. Of course. Fu, please retire. Yeah, Fu. Save it. Wait a second... Wait a second, this is a dream. I'm dreaming! Hey... Why do you say that? Because of people like Fu with his monkey face, the big-headed guy, the fat dude and you. You don't exist, it's a dream. Perhaps I've had you brought here to make you a very attractive offer. Well... I don't think I can accept a proposal this early in the season. Thank you. Has it ever occurred to you how many men of less worth than yourself... have obtained so many of life's rewards while you, who can imagine so much, have so little? I can't say that it has, I'm not that lucky. I don't have that much imagination. I really don't like your attitude. This is a nice jacket. It's got a "Morris Day" feel and looks good on you. And the boots... smoking. I'll repeat my offer one last time. I am dreaming, so I can say anything and get away with it. So I think I'll say, from my heart... Kiss my ass. Kiss my ass! I can see that it's pointless talking to you. Why do you insist on mispronouncing my name, leaving the "J" silent? - My name is "Jarrell" with a "J". - Yes, I know. My legs are more attractive. I'm willing to make an exchange. The child for the Ajanti Dagger. This is just a reminder of the evening. Something so that you will know that you were here. - You don't feel pain in your dream! - You'll remember this for a long time. Excuse me, I'll be right back. Do you have any methyolate or mercurochrome, it might get infected? Tell your friends that Sardo Numspa sends his greetings. It's a mistake. - Kee! - Chandler! They've tied you up in toilet paper. - What are you doing here? - I have to be here, it's my dream. Listen, I think the kid is here somewhere. - We should find the kid together. - Yes. - Afterwards, we could spend some... ... time together! - Yes, kind of let nature... ... take its course. Yeah. So, it is Sardo Numspa. - What's this knife? - The Crossed Dagger of Ajanti. They brought it to this world to kill the second Golden Child, the Bearer of Justice. His death was a great loss. Sardo needs it to kill the child, but you can only use it to save him. You must obtain the knife and lure Numspa into freeing the child. You must never let him get possession of the knife. That sounds like a neat trick. How can I pull it off? If need be, we will exchange the dagger for the child. If the Abbot of Karma Tang will let us have it. If the kid's so important, why doesn't this guy give you the dagger? He's a very difficult man. Tomorrow, you will go with Kee Nang to Tibet to obtain the dagger. I ain't going to Tibet because I had a crazy dream. This is ridiculous. - Only the Chosen One can get the knife. - Will you go? Listen, this Chosen One thing is going too far, OK? This is not normal, OK? I'm not saying no, but I have to think it over, because the Chosen One thing... too far. - Could you leave us for a moment? - Yes, you talk it over. This is not a normal thing and it should be discussed. Because it's ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Приключения домовёнка на английском - текст Флетч жив на английском - текст Чайковский на английском - текст Баллада о солдате на английском - текст Звёздные войны: Праздничный спецвыпуск на английском |