Something so that you will know that you were here. - You don't feel pain in your dream! - You'll remember this for a long time. Excuse me, I'll be right back. Do you have any methyolate or mercurochrome, it might get infected? Tell your friends that Sardo Numspa sends his greetings. It's a mistake. - Kee! - Chandler! They've tied you up in toilet paper. - What are you doing here? - I have to be here, it's my dream. Listen, I think the kid is here somewhere. - We should find the kid together. - Yes. - Afterwards, we could spend some... ...time together! - Yes, kind of let nature... ...take its course. Yeah. So, it is Sardo Numspa. - What's this knife? - The Crossed Dagger of Ajanti. They brought it to this world to kill the second Golden Child, the Bearer of Justice. His death was a great loss. Sardo needs it to kill the child, but you can only use it to save him. You must obtain the knife and lure Numspa into freeing the child. You must never let him get possession of the knife. That sounds like a neat trick. How can I pull it off? If need be, we will exchange the dagger for the child. If the Abbot of Karma Tang will let us have it. If the kid's so important, why doesn't this guy give you the dagger? He's a very difficult man. Tomorrow, you will go with Kee Nang to Tibet to obtain the dagger. I ain't going to Tibet because I had a crazy dream. This is ridiculous. - Only the Chosen One can get the knife. - Will you go? Listen, this Chosen One thing is going too far, OK? This is not normal, OK? I'm not saying no, but I have to think it over, because the Chosen One thing... too far. - Could you leave us for a moment? - Yes, you talk it over. This is not a normal thing and it should be discussed. Because it's not normal. Talk. Chosen One, I'm the Chosen One... Why...? Tibet... Why can't I be chosen to go to the Bahamas? I've got to get chosen to go to Tibet. This is really... And Kala, you're not a normal chick. You're too shy and need to open up. You can't sit in a basement, naked, smoking, looking at soap operas for the rest of your life. - Yak loin. - What is it? - Yak loin. Good to keep the Yang up. - Nothing wrong with my Yang. How does this dream transmission work? - Part's dream and part's real. - So the scar on my arm's real? Right. - What about "Numsy"? - Numspa. Sardo Numspa. - Yes. - He's very real. You were there and said things that seemed pretty real. - That part was dream. - Just checking. Aren't you going to ask me up? - Am I dreaming now? - Does a lady have to ask twice? No! No... Please, twice! Please, please. Shit! Twice! I didn't know whether you wanted cream or sugar, so I left it black. I want you to go to Tibet. Will you go? Wait a second. It's really cold in Tibet, and I don't like the cold. Why don't we just stay here all weekend long under the covers, watching television, sweating, smiling and everything? - You won't go. - It's freezing in Tibet. - Hey, where are you going? - Tibet. But I'm the Chosen One. You can't get the knife. I'll go. I'll go to Tibet. Wait... But if it's really cold, we have to come back here. OK? You are not in a rush to leave this minute, are you? Because, you know... A bed! Is that a bed? Kathmandu is the gateway to Tibet. There are bulls walking around here. And it's cold. Two days into the mountains and we'll be at the heights of heaven. I thought this was the best part. I'm freezing, I'm not enjoying myself. But I want you to know that I'll do my best to find the child. Of course you are. I'll arrange for our trek into the mountains. You have about an hour to look around. About 16:30, but I won't make it to the party. Hi. Take it easy. You want me to buy a necklace? OK, I'll buy one. I'll buy one. Can you let me have the blue one? I don't know how much they cost, though. One of those? OK. Let me have the blue one, it matches my ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Снежная королева на английском - текст Друзья - Сезон 8 на английском - текст Чем суровей они с нами обращаются на английском - текст Остров Сокровищ на английском - текст Подставная девушка на английском |