me! Look. Look at this picture. He scarcely has the face of a traitor. Honest... Dreyfus, Dreyfus! Must we be eternally plagued by that name? You have a visitor. My glasses. I can't see without my glasses! Please! - Lucie. - Alfred. Stay back. - Can't we be alone? - Orders are orders. Oh, Alfred, darling... ...what have they done to you? Never mind, dear. If only you could give me the slightest inkling who the real traitor might be. I don't know. I haven't the faintest idea. It's all like a nightmare. - Incredible. - Be brave. I'll spare nothing, our future, our lives, nothing to prove your innocence. My conscience is clear. No matter what they do to me, I'll survive and prove it. Yes. You must. For the children. How are the little ones? - You haven't told them? - No. I told them that you were called away by duty. Duty! Duty! Oh, Alfred. - Time's up. - Just one moment more. - I'm sorry. - Well, let me go to him. Let me embrace him. Let me touch him once. - Let me say goodbye to my husband. - No. Are you not married? Have you no wife? - Time is up. - You can't separate us. You can't! - Alfred, darling, don't let them! - Please, dear, don't make it harder for me. As long as we have each other and the children to love... ...perhaps in a little while we'll all be happy again. I love you. I love you. - Here are your belongings. On your way. - Where to? I am innocent! I'm innocent! I'm innocent! I'm innocent! I'm... I am innocent! It is true, sir. I have never been fully convinced of Dreyfus' guilt. Ever since I succeeded Sandherr, I've tried to find out the truth... find out the real traitor. And I've got him. - Who is it? - Count Esterhazy. - Esterhazy? On what proof? - I obtained specimens of his handwriting... ...and compared it with the bordereau on which Dreyfus was convicted. Both of the writings are Esterhazy's. Look for yourself. - Dreyfus was guilty, just the same. - But I have new evidence, further proof. My agents got hold of a special message addressed to Esterhazy... ...from the German military attachй. I tell you, general, Dreyfus is innocent. And I tell you that you've exceeded your duty. But, general, this is my duty. There must not be another treason trial in the army. Understand? It must not be. But what about Dreyfus rotting on Devil's Island? Dreyfus, Dreyfus. Will we never hear the last of the man? Listen. If it is admitted that a mistake has been made... ...we, the general staff, will be at the mercy... ...of every scandal paper in France. We owe it to the army to prevent that. But you can't close a tomb over a living man. Can't we? If you say nothing, nobody will ever know. And you will say nothing, you understand? - I don't know, sir... - That is an official order. You may go. Can't we find a new post for our friend Picquart? It's very quiet here in Paris for such an energetic fellow. What about one of our African desert stations? It's a bit unhealthy, but... What about Esterhazy? We've got to do something before the public... We shall. Don't worry. Present arms! "In the name of France, the court-martial, having heard... ...the charge of treason brought against Commandant Walsin-Esterhazy... ...unanimously agrees that he was and is innocent of any suspicion of guilt. He is therefore acquitted of said charge and granted his immediate freedom." - Congratulations. - Congratulations. Thank you. Thank you, Will. This will teach Madame Dreyfus a lesson. I hope it'll discourage her and her confounded appeals. Nevertheless, we'll continue to have her carefully watched. "My dear Zola... ...l'm certain you will be happy to learn I have succeeded... inducing my colleagues to consider you... ...for membership in the French Academy. You need not fear their decision, for they know that your imperishable works... ...and your noble accomplishments entitle you
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