been instructed to offer you the usual alternative. No. I'm not so obliging, nor so stupid as to provide you with a perfect case. I shall live to prove my innocence. Take him away. Jeanne, get Papa's slippers and house jacket! I've got them. - There he is. - Papa! Papa! - Madame Dreyfus? - Yes? I am Commandant Dort, intelligence section of the general staff. Go to your room, darlings. - Yes, Maman. - Yes, Maman. - Yes, commandant? - I have orders to search this house. I don't understand. - My husband... - Your husband is under arrest... the Cherche-Midi prison. - Why, you must be mad. - My husband left here this morning... - And is now in prison, charged with treason. Now I know you're mistaken. My husband has given 20 years of his life to his country's service. A traitor? Why, how dare you. - I'll call... - You will call no one, madame. You will serve your husband best by being quiet and saying nothing. If you don't, things will go badly for him. Search the house. Brucker. - You'll find nothing. - Your husband is very clever, madame. My husband is innocent, monsieur. Dreyfus found guilty! Dreyfus found guilty! - Dreyfus found guilty! - What a fuss. The whole country's in an uproar over this Dreyfus. Nice, fresh langoustes. - Shall we get some? - Shall we? I should say so. These are not fresh-caught. They're fish, cher monsieur. All our goods are fresh. Have I eaten lobsters for years for nothing? Observe, my dear. His shell is slick. He's a grand-pиre, that one, and long from the sea. But here's a nice, juicy young bachelor whose shell is dry and rough. He'll leap into your gullet and sing a chantey as he goes down. - Am I right? - Lf every customer was like him... You'd never sell your old stock. - Йmile! Йmile! - Hello! Charpentier! Alexandrine, there's Charpentier and Madame Charpentier. Alexandrine, you know Anatole France, don't you? This is Monsieur Scheurer-Kestner, our last senator from Alsace. Smell this. Smell this. Smell this. Beautiful. We're having this bachelor and his whole family for dinner. Will you come? Kill the traitor, Dreyfus! Kill the traitor, Dreyfus! Kill the traitor, Dreyfus! Kill the traitor, Dreyfus! Kill the traitor, Dreyfus! Suppose Dreyfus is innocent, as he claims. It would be too dreadful. Impossible, madame. French justice today doesn't make mistakes. Company... arms! "In the name of the people of France... ...Alfred Dreyfus, captain of the 14th regiment of artillery... ...having been found guilty of treason by unanimous vote of the court-martial... condemned to deportation for life. The court-martial orders that prior to this sentence being carried out... ...Captain Dreyfus shall be paraded before the garrison of Paris... ...and publicly degraded and dismissed from service... ...according to the code of military law... ...forfeiting his decorations and privileges... ...and the right to bear arms forever." In the name of the French people, we deprive you of your rank. You are unworthy of wearing the uniform. I'm innocent. By my wife and my children, I swear I'm innocent. Long live France! I'm innocent! Gentlemen of the newspapers! Proclaim to the world that I'm innocent! I'm innocent! I'm innocent! I'm innocent! "I'm innocent. Long live France. I'm innocent," Dreyfus kept repeating over and over again while they reviled him. - All he needed was a crown of thorns. - Or 30 pieces of silver. After all, the man was found guilty of treason. And a traitor's a traitor. I know, Йmile, but still, he's human, not a dog... ...and that crowd, their faces like rabid beasts. Yeah, well... ...human and animal skins are much the same thickness. You can't expect too much. You... My head, my head. How it rewards me, this ungrateful monstrosity... ...that I've combed and fed for 50 years. You're killing
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