people... more bodies. It is for me? You did that for me Chief? Why? Why don't you come to me? It seems to be strange that the aliens are interested in heroпn but there could be a lot of reasons for that. We now know because of the research of few American scientists in the late 70's. There are special receptors, opiate receptors in the human brain. Heroпn, codeпne, morphine all belong to the same chemical family derived from the poppy, they' re called opiates. So that's what they found these Americans. That there are special receptors in the human brain to receive opiate molecules. What are these opiate receptors doing sitting around in the human brain? Waiting for someone to come along and give them heroпn? Look what I got for you. Some physicians think... There's a naturally occuring molecule, in the human body. That is nearly the same molecular structure as opiates. Oh you mean to say that opium occurs naturally in the human body? Not opium, I said nearly the same molecular structure, nearly the same properties Opium users have said that the drug creates a similar feeling to what people experience during orgasm. Could be that this molecule is realeased into the brain during orgasm. During orgasm? That's very interesting. Are you gonna fuck him? He's dead. He's beautiful. I'm not playing house baby, you are. You fuck him. Get him real juicy. Stick him in the oven then we'll fuck. I know it always cheered you up before? A good fuck. Please continue about orgasm. I have a theory. If all humans have in their brains some substantial process based on the opiate mechanism of action why can't they exist somewhere on the universe some other form of life which would depend on this mechanism, even more... this would attract the alien to heroпn. Well according to you to humans as well during orgasm. Well, Well, doesn't that mean that orgasms are dangerous? Yo! It's Jimmy! So looks like he found some money for some stuff. or something I forgot. I mean, I forgot the time. I'm not ready. Don't worry about it, that's what their job is, they gonna fix you beautifully. Don't move...I love it, the chicken is great, Let me get a shot at him. What are you doing? You can't go around snapping pictures at people when they're not ready! Calm down darling, I've got some cocaпne for you. And I don't want any bakery. We're gonna have a marvelous time. Margaret this is Nelly, she's the fashionary from Midnight Magazine. She has longer legs than yours, hasn't she Margaret? I'd like to ask you a few questions. You don't mind do you? -Recording your doing. -Turn it If she doesn't want, she doesn't want. Why? nasty things this morning? you know where they have the drugs? How should I know? Ask Jack. Drugs? Don't be impatient, be cool. Brian was right, your roof is perfect. This fucking city is really something. What have you done to yourself now. She can't hide it. A chicken is a chicken. Come on Jimmy. You're both so beautiful and you look alike. Be nice. I'm not a chicken. -Ouch! -I'm sorry Jimmy! I didn't know your scalp was so sensitive. Now don't get anything dirty, and tape the tags on the inside It's not necessary to cut them. Where's the cocaпne? Dwayne? Would you fix us a few lines, darling? Here, I've got some blow too, baby. I'd like to ask you a few questions over your childhood. Come here, legs. Can't you see she's busy? I'll tell you about her childhood. Margaret dropped from Connecticut. She went to church every sunday. This is when she was sixteen. What are you doing? This is my hair, you could at least consult me about it. I think, Jane, the hairdresser... Hair stylist. Hair stylist is right. We don't need this accessory. The image should be simple. Your photographs that Adrian was just showing me indicate a fairly traditional upbringing. And you slipped to a weird off ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Семнадцать мгновений весны на английском - текст Зеркало на английском - текст Ух ты, говорящая рыба! на английском - текст Нашествие похитителей тел на английском - текст Древо желания на английском |