leave those two out there and flee? We have to pay the penalty, but we have no other choice. - That's not what I meant. - Yes, I know. I should've kept my cool when those two wandered in there. Just you wait, Zeiram. I'll get you back for this. Kamiya! Weapon! Use the weapon! Take this! Take this too! Kamiya? Iria, can you hear me? Teppei, are you okay? Amazing. It's a miracle. That monster came out of nowhere and Kamiya... Is he dead? I don't know. He protected me and I fled the scene. Can't you tell what's going on? No, coordinates for the Zone are unstable. Iria, I think I'll fight him. What should I do? Tell me. Thank you. I should thank you too. It's good to have at least one of you alive. Bob. - We'll use the Metis cannon. - No. We don't have permission. It'll take two weeks to get the approval. Who cares about approval? Wait a minute. I don't want to be a fugitive. Are you going to leave Teppei to die? Don't worry it's going to work. You're always like this, Iria. We haven't even paid for that thing. The Zone's not going to last another 30 minutes. Things will get worse if we don't do something. Let's think it over. Bob! Fine, I'll send it over. I'll say one thing regarding its use. I'm definitely against it. I'll record this as evidence for the trial. If we use the Metis cannon that monster can be... Teppei, I'm sending you a weapon. Okay. But can we send it to Teppei's location? Can't we specify the exact location? We can send it to zero point without a doubt. Where's zero point? Right here. Teppei, are you listening to me? Yeah, I'm listening. Do you know where the zero point is? I do. I have to go there, right? I'm sending you a large silver briefcase. The Metis cannon is inside. Inside a huge briefcase? Got it. Iria, I'll be waiting. I'll definitely get there. Bob, I want you to quickly transport the Metis cannon. Kamiya! Ouch! Are you okay? That was not cool. Go away! Go away! Stop! Stop! Go away! Get lost! Iria! Sorry to keep you waiting. Stay back. You did it. I thought you'd never come. Bob, I got him. Be careful, I don't think you can take him out with a bazooka. What the hell is he? Even though he's a skeleton he's still alive. Iria, use that again! I can't. I had only one shot. Teppei, the Metis cannon is inside the building. Got it. - What's that? - Just come with me! - What's wrong? - It's not here. Bob, where did you send the cannon? Answer me! Sorry, I sent it to the floor above you. This way. - We can kill that thing with the cannon? - Keep moving! I can't make it. Just go on without me. - Kamiya! - He'll come for us if we don't hurry. I know that. Why do I have to go through this mess? Leave it to me. I'll try to hold him for a while. Okay. You're so cool. Hey! Don't destroy the entire building! There it is! Is this it? How do you open this thing? I got it. No! Go away! Get lost! How do you use this thing? Help! Iria! Umm, Iria... Uh, um...aren't you cold? You're definitely a fine looking woman. Thanks. Bob, can you hear me? The Zone will perish in 8 minutes. He's finished. Good job. What about the two humans? Are you okay? Yeah. Yeah. I guess we're back. We're safe at last. Iria, transport Zeiram. No way. You're Bob? Really? That's right. We can talk later. I need you two to stay back. I'm going to transport Zeiram. Okay. Now Iria. Sorry to ask you, but can you move that aside? Go! You go! It's still alive! Here he comes, Teppei! Don't! What the hell are you? I know I keep asking that, but... Bob, what's going on? Zeiram destroyed the transport unit. Bob, how many minutes until the Zone disappears? Answer me! Don't do it, Teppei! Teppei! Bob, hurry up! Hold him down! Get the other side, Teppei! Come here for a second, Kamiya. Now's not the time! The transport unit is broken. What? What's gonna happen to Iria? Teppei! Hold him
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