hurts! That bastard bit me! Hurry! I banged my hip! This face. It's quite annoying. This mouth is probably used for absorption. And? If my data is correct he absorbs the organism using this mouth... ...and uses their cells depending on the situation. What do you mean? Basically, he uses them as nutrients and in other cases he has uses them... clone his subordinates. So they will become his food? I don't know, but if he's a biological weapon created a long time ago... ...his main body is the hat, and the rest is just a unit. I didn't expect to meet a forbidden biological weapon like this. Momonga Ouch! Man, this doesn't look good. This doesn't look good? Why didn't you use the gun? You have to help me. I'm sorry. Damn it! I would've been here drinking by now. I'm going to close this up now. If I'm not around, this place is dead. - This place? - Yeah. Let's get this started! - Hey, what happened to Kamiya? - Don't know. Murata. Yes. - Are you drinking? - Yes, I am. But you know what? What's the matter? Kamiya isn't here yet. - You mean that Kamiya? - Yeah. He said he'd buy me a drink since he won at the races. Then I think he's going to bring something. Hey, take a look at that. - Kamiya's a great guy. - Are you kidding? I don't like him. You see? My lady is talking about me right now. Hey Teppei. Don't take that out. I'm very hungry so I thought I might eat it. - You can't eat that. It'll kill you. - No, I think it's food. It smells kind of funny, but... Stop! Don't do it! Please don't! This is pretty good. You want a bite? Are you kidding? I can't eat that! - So disgusting... - Pretty good. I'm outta here. I don't want to be around a guy who eats cockroaches. Kamiya! Wait! Because of the earlier power failure, the coordinates for the Zone are unstable. I found them. They're both together. I really want to talk to them. I'd rather not do this. I'm sure everything will work out. There's another wall here, Kamiya. What? Let's just wait here. How can you be so calm? - I'm kind of thirsty. - That's because you ate a cockroach. Give me a cigarette. Light? - That's too much light. - Kamiya. Can you hear me? Push the red button if you can hear me. H-Hello? That's good. Is the other guy with you? Yes, he's here with me. Can you get here fast? Listen, I have some bad news. - First, the transport unit broke down. - Then what's going to happen to us? - What's the other one? - The place you're in will disappear soon. What about us? - If worst comes to worst... - Worst? Does it get any worse than this? So... So I have a favor to ask of you. I want you two to fight that creature. Are you crazy? How are we supposed to fight that monster? Listen very carefully. Just do what I say. You get here as fast as possible. We'll do our best to survive. I agree. There's no need to put them in a dangerous position. That's not true. If they keep attacking, it's the same as protecting themselves. What kind of attack could they possibly produce? Hey, what are you arguing about? We don't have much time. Get over here as soon as possible! I'm talking to you because I can't get there! Could you just be quiet? What? Now you're ordering us? I'm hanging up now. We're going to hide in a safe place. Later! Wait, don't hang up! Hiding would be much more dangerous. Listen, you just do as I say. If you do... I'm sorry. I think I should calm down. Hey, what do I call you people? At least give me your names. Tell us yours first. I guess this is what you call manners. It was in the data. I'm Iria. I'm Kamiya and he's Teppei. You got another one, right? My partner Bob. Now Kamiya, listen to me once more. Kamiya, look! What is it? What's going on? Bob, do something! I can't. It's no use. I can't control the Zone. If you two can hear me, say something! We're finished. Forget about capturing Zeiram. What? Are we going to
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