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something? You might
want to have a weapon just in case.
- Do you know how to use it?
- I think so.
What else is inside?
Take a look at this.
What the hell! That's a cockroach!
I wonder what she plans to do with this.
- Is she going to eat it?
- Don't say that. It's disgusting.
I don't like cockroaches
and women who talk loud.
But we'll have to eat this
in time of need.
It's survival, Kamiya.
Survival, huh?
I can't believe it's this late.
You got an interesting thing there.
Did you get it from Yumi?
- You don't have to hide it.
- No, it wasn't.
- Really?
- Yes.
There was a photo attached to it.
You saw it?
I saw it.
So you saw it.
I have one too.
- What is it?
- A picture of my lady at Momonga.
Let me see that.
Here, this is me and that's her.
Everytime I flip it...
...she says "You taste like
cigarettes everytime we kiss."
What should I do?
Teppei! Hit him, stab him...do something!
Weapon...that weapon...
Hurry up!
- Do I pull this thing?
- How should I know?
Hot, hot, hot!
Hot, hot, hot!
I did it!
No time to relax.
Isn't there another weapon?
You suck! Give me that!
Direct hit.
You're amazing, Kamiya.
War veterans like you can do it all.
You idiot! I never went to war.
What did you say about survival?
You can't do anything on your own.
Iria, is it fixed yet?
I just need to fix this unit.
- What's wrong?
- I can't believe this.
Zeiram escaped.
I can't believe he broke
through that hardened rubber.
You better get back fast.
Those two are in danger.
He's gone, Kamiya.
What the hell is that thing?
I'm not gonna capture him alive.
I'm counting on you, Bob.
What happened, Bob?
What is it?
- Fuse blew because of a short circuit.
- What do you mean?
I'm checking right now. Calm down Iria.
I'm calm, okay?
I have to do it again?
Can't you do anything about it?
What did you do?
This is bad.
The Zone's maintenance unit is broken.
That scared me.
What the hell? You scared me.
Now, we'll be stripped of our license.
No way.
I won't allow it.
But now, those two
won't live much longer.
For that, our license
will be revoked forever.
You're always like this.
Listen. We can't give up.
We just have to hope
those two can run fast.
We have to calm down and think.
What happened, Teppei?
There's something here Kamiya.
What is this?
It looks like a wall.
You idiot! I can see that...
I can't see it.
What are you saying?
What do we do?
Can't help it.
- Let's go back.
- Yes.
Bob, can you send them a transceiver
I think that can be arranged.
Do it quickly. I want to talk to them.
What are you going to do?
Just do as I say.
I'll have them fight Zeiram.
You mean those humans?
Their power level is nothing
compared to Zeiram.
I'll teach them how to fight him.
Plus, that young one
seems like he can move.
I'll be fixing the transport
unit during that time.
You'll use them as tools? If the authorities
find out, you'll be in big trouble.
They'll be killed if we do nothing.
- But we haven't done this before.
- Bob!
Let's see...
Take this here, and...
Kamiya, where did you learn
how to do things like that?
When is that woman going to come?
Don't shake it. Give me more light.
How about...
That's amazing.
I'll drive.
It's all up here.
It's all about survival, isn't it?
I don't trust your survival instincts.
Kamiya, look!
What do we do?
Step on it!
- Move it, move it!
- I'm trying!
Reverse! Go reverse and crush him!
Is he dead?
He better be. I don't
think he survived that.
Are you okay?
Yeah, I was wearing my safety belt.
Oh no!
What the hell is this thing?
Stop it! What the hell is this thing?
Hurry up, Teppei!
What is this thing?
It's sticky and disgusting!
Hurry up and get out of there!
- Kamiya!
- It hurts, it hurts!
Зейрам Зейрам

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- текст Дни затмения на английском
- текст Двое - это слишком на английском
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- текст Питер Фм на английском
- текст Арахнофобия на английском

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