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did he go?
Excuse me...
Hey, I saw you this afternoon...
You dropped an apple, right?
My partner just disappeared.
What's going on?
What are you doing?
Hey, hey, hey! Are you listening to me?
You're a foreigner, aren't you?
Do you understand Japanese?
- Zeiram has arrived.
- I know.
So you can speak.
What are you doing?
Things are getting problematic...
What the hell? You're so rough.
How come we're outside?
What is this place?
What's going on here?
Hey, wait a minute! Hey, you!
What the hell?
What is this? What are you doing?
How do you like the Zone this time?
I don't think Zeiram is
aware of the Zone yet.
Did you set the trap?
It's good to go.
That's the capsule he came in.
I want you to destroy it.
This phone doesn't work either.
What the...
Excuse me.
One of you folks tampered
with the utility pole, right?
Where's the person in charge?
Right behind me?
That thing doesn't
shoot bullets, does it?
That's dangerous.
Stop messing around!
Hello, Zeiram.
Bob. I lured him to the capture point.
Do you know what this is?
Goodbye, Zeiram.
Bob, the guns won't work.
Be careful. He's using a shield.
Bob, I'm using the suit.
No. Don't fight him in close combat.
Is that all you got?
Iria, what happened? Answer me.
Iria, there's a trap
unit underneath you.
Iria, the savegun is behind you.
Right behind you.
Bob, can you hear me? I got him.
Okay, Iria. Good job.
Be careful. There's something
approaching behind you.
You scared me.
You see, I'm from the electric company.
- I almost forgot about you people.
- What?
Well, it's about this thing.
My partner is stuck
inside one of these things.
He was getting in my way,
so I put him in there.
Wait a minute!
Do you get it now?
We're in an alternate
You're right.
Did you just see that, Kamiya?
- She must be...
- You keep your mouth shut.
Great. Telling us all these
things we don't understand!
You stole electricity and
then you locked me up.
Can't you be a bit nicer?
Iria, what are you doing? We need
to dispose of Zeiram immediately.
Sorry, I'll move to a larger area.
- Hey you! Are you listening to me?
- Be quiet.
I'm not supposed to be
talking to you people.
I see.
- What do you mean?
- She can't talk to us.
You idiot!
What a thing to say!
You're the one who brought us here.
- Stop talking nonsense.
- What do you mean?
You're the one who followed me.
Let's just forget about that for a second.
- What do you mean he followed you?
- Nothing.
- What are you doing? Don't help her.
- What's wrong, Iria?
You shouldn't talk with them.
I know that, Bob.
- I want you to dispose of them first.
- Dispose?
- We're not garbage, you know!
- Kamiya!
Excuse me, but...is that thing dead?
- I just captured him.
- Captured?
What's that?
You know what?
That thing tried to kill me.
Don't move.
Just hurry up and do it.
Bob. Whenever you're ready.
I picked the location.
What the hell?
Kamiya, look!
What the hell is this thing?
They're gone.
Iria, we have a problem.
The transport unit is broken.
What did you say?
What's Zeiram's condition?
Don't worry. He's perfectly secured.
-Hey, Teppei.
I'll ask you once more.
What is this place?
Well, how can I explain it...
In this world, the town exists
but there are no people.
That's how I look at it.
Was that written somewhere?
Was that written on some billboard?
No, that's what that woman said.
What the hell...
I thought there might be a radio somewhere
but I can't tell what these are for.
- You wanna take a look?
- Nope.
You look very calm. Don't
you sense imminent danger?
If that thing is there, then she'll
come back for it. Let's just wait.
Are you sure it's safe?
Maybe it's still alive.
If it's secured like that,
I'm sure we'll be fine.
Do you want
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