only care about yourself? - No, this is for the both of us. We can pay back our debts after this job. I thought I laid out a perfect plan that fits your personality. If we get him into the Zone, he'll be ours. I don't know what his plans are on this planet... ...but I'm sure he doesn't expect to end up in a Zone when he arrives. Even though I try to stop you, you always go to far. - Then we end up having to pay money for... - Bob. Stop complaining. If you keep talking, I'll give you a virus. No. I don't want a virus. Anyway, are you sure this point is okay? We set up a field inside the Zone... ...but if he changes his course it'll be a total loss. Okay, Iria. You can count on me. That's why I'm your partner. Unbelievable. We're running short on time and you bought that! "Here, Yui." "I thought this might look good on you." Huh? What did you say? - Beautiful, aren't they? - Yes. - Did someone die? - Stop messing around! It's a present for my lady at Momonga. I see, I see. She'll be so happy! "Oh, Mr. Kamiya, you shouldn't have. Thank you." That's what she'll say! There's probably not many guys out there like me. Bob, I'm done with my pad. Is that good? Pretty good. You want some? No thanks. He looks tough. Yeah, he's not like the others we've fought before. But he's alone, isn't he? What's his power level? This is only my guess's over 87. - Is that including weapons? - I'm analyzing that right now. But it's not clear. I can handle 87. It'll be over in 5 minutes if I set a trap. Iria, I didn't say 87. I said over 87. Use the type 4 weapon. Isn't that a bit too gaudy? - lt looks good on you. - I don't think that matters. Iria, I'm done registering the Zone. Hurry up and get ready. I'll have to go pretty crazy for that 30% fee to be worth it. Fine. The system has been completed. Hurry up and enter the name. Fine. I'm getting his name. Zone name 'Zeiram' ZEIRAM Begin searching zone Purpose for use - combat/capture Special field setting - No lifeforms Scanning in progress for available dimension Space coordinates locked Unregistered planet [2095-813] Zero point confirmed, Town of Mikasa Specifying range of combat field Separating walls on field Identifying material composition data on field Constructing materials on field Securing gate for dimension portal Isolation of combat field completed The situation got kind of complicated. But I'm finished now. - I think I'll be there little after 6... - Teppei! Hold on a second. Yes, I'm coming. I'll be there soon. Bye. - You talk too long. - Sorry Clean up quickly. We're already running late. I understand. Oh no. See? They're paging us now. I'll call them. Tell them we can't do it because we've got other jobs. Why do you always have to be the yes-man? They told me that someone is stealing's an emergency so... Amateurs. When I find out who did this, I'll slap 'em real good. Should we just cut this off? No, we don't know what they're doing inside. Then what are we going to do? We'll go inside. What? - I'll buy you a drink after we finish. Okay? - No, I have plans after this so... Oh, that's right. You have a date with Yumi. Date with Yumi. That's great. Sorry about that. You're a lucky guy, Teppei. I can never tell what you young folks are doing these days. You sly dog. Now, Bob. Are we ready? Okay. It's showtime. It's not like that. So you guys do dinner and a movie? Don't worry about me. This is something. Is this some kind of set for a movie? Those bastards always steal electricity. Hello? Hey! Hello? Anybody here? Looks like nobody's here. Isn't it dangerous leaving them on like this? Hey Kamiya, let's just leave a note and go home. Huh? Right here. All right. Zeiram entering the atmosphere What was that? What? He disappeared... Hey, Teppei! Teppei, where did you go? Teppei! What in the world happened? Where
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