fucker away from me! What to eat? Who ate? You ate bread? Didn't you guzzle shit? I told you to wash yourself! Wash yourself, faggot, wash yourself! Silence! Get to work! Get down! He's shitted himself! Get down! Get to work! Go to clean latrine! He's shitted! Go! Go! No fucking way! Get to work! All covered in shit! Get to cleaning shit, go! Go to clean shit! Go, clean shit! How do you do? Hello. What's up, eagle, shit? I didn't do anything, no, no, pass through, please. Pass through, bro, pass through! Did i allow you to speak, bitch? What... Keep the fucking silence! Well? Still with your jokes? No, no way. No. What shool did you graduate? Sixth. I don't understand a thing. Officers? Some kind of shit! Faggots! Fucking motherland...gave them stars. Wear them, wear those stars. I fucking don't want to, i want to eat shit. What's that? Is that army? Is that army? Bitches! Officers! With shoulder-straps. Eats shit. Fucking faggots. So, i'll give you a lecture now. Good. Sit there, bitch. There. Keep silent, shut your trap. Shut your trap! So, japanese before world war II to be exact, admiral Yamamoto decided to fuck up american fleet at hawaian islands. Afterwards it went into history as Pearlharbour catastrophe. Listen and keep it in mind. Commanding officer of air raid on Pearharbour was admiral Naguma. Middle officier in fact...that is, acting [officer], without word, proffesional, but without any imagination...japanese in general have never had much people with imagination... shit on the stick! you know fucking nothing. you can't do anything. what are you at all doing in the army? I... Silence! What planes were on those...aircraft carriers? A? No "a"! What planes? What is best-known plane in pacific ocean theatre of war? Tiger. Pursuit planes, bitch! Pursuit planes, fucking animal! On december 7, 1941 japanese fleet consisting of six aircarft carriers Akagi, Kaga, Hiriu, Soriu, Sekagu and Djukagu, as well as two battleships Hiriei and Kirisima appeared on traverse of Oahu islad in Hawaian islands. First air charge consisted of 50 pursuit planes from Soriu, 40 torpedo carriers and 81 bombers. As a result of this air charge four battleships of american fleet were drowned. What ships were those? What ships! Arizona, West Virginia, Oklahoma and Maryland. You have to know this! If you studied in sixth school. That's fucking classics! Pursuit planes, bitch! Pursuit planes, fucking animal! Nowadays our army orients exactly on this kind of officers. At least those few who fucked americans in the ass. You must know this! Dog-shit! Come here, fucking bitch! Dog-shit! Well, now tea will be brought and we will continue. Though you're total idiot, i think this information will do you good during next hour. Grant permission to come in, comrade captain. Permission granted. Tea. One spoon? That's right. Some kind of piss. One step in my direction. Open your mouth. Hold it with your teeth. Go to kitchen and tell not to bring tea like this ever again. Do you see this worm? What do you want to do with him? Destroy. And how are you going to do it? [both speaking at the same time] - Silence! Go on. Get started. Bitch! Let's go! To the pit! Let's go to the pit. Calm down, i'm asking you to calm down. Calm down, they're coming here, understand? Now we'll get beaten to pulp. I'll be beaten first, for you. Enough... Nobody beat you, nobody touched you. We could get really beaten up if you'll behave like that. Could you calm down? Relax. Part two. Good day. I'll kiss your feet. Stand up! Well then, goldfinches... Silence! Animal! You are here to feel it till the end. That's right. Till the very end. That's right. And so that fear would creep into your heads. That's right. Shit. That's right. What are you standing here! You're living your last hour. Animal! Pardon me, comrade captain. Dirty worm, what have you done! ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Алиса здесь больше не живет на английском - текст Интервенция на английском - текст Нечто на английском - текст Никто не идеален на английском - текст Бежин луг на английском |