Thanks. I hate being little. I think it broke. I'll try and fix it. Why aren't you up on deck with Mom and Dad? Have you met our parents? Good point. Popcorn, orchids... waves, Billy... kissing. Chocolate. It's a list... of everything we left behind. Never love anything, kiddo... 'cause you just end up losing it. Smith could still hurt us. Maybe I shouldn't let him live. But... How can we bring civilization to the stars... if we can't remain civilized? Right, Professor? Have you noticed that you take the opposite position... to whatever I say? Of course I do. We're married. Alert. Spatial anomaly in progress. What the hell? I must be dreaming. That looks like a ship. It appears to be some sort of hole in space. Where does it lead? A reasonable question. Major, wait. I'll wait later. Pull back. Let there be light. Proteus? She's one of ours, all right. All right. I've never seen a ship like this. No response to hails. Scanning all military and civilian frequencies. Nothing. I'm getting inconsistent life signs... but they may be sensor ghosts. Computer is still on. I'll try the standard docking codes. Control codes confirmed. Initiating docking sequence. Weird. What kind of ship is that? That's not one of ours. Boys, that's not even human. If this is all a dream... why can't there be more girls? As part of her enslavement... the brave young space captive Penny Robinson... is forced to utilize her dazzling technical expertise. Identify yourseIf, soldier. West, Major, United Global Space Force... requesting permission to see the prisoner. Proceed, MajorWest. Could he be cuter? I don't think so. Breathe, Penny. Unlock. These quarters are unacceptable. We're going to check out the probe ship. Maybe we can figure out how they got here and how to get home. Have a wonderful trip. Put this on. You're coming with us. Out of the question. I am a doctor, not a space explorer. What you are is a murderous saboteur. I am not leaving you here... so you can do more harm than you've already caused. I absolutely refuse. Give me an excuse to kill you. Please? Black was always my colour. Lock. Activate standby. Crush, kill, destroy. Surprise. Safety on. Dad, chill. It's OK. I hacked into his CPU, and then... I bypassed his main operating systems... and accessed his subroutines. He's basically just running on remote control. I know I haven't been around-- Professor. We're ready to go. We'll talk later, son. Take care of my dad. OK, Robot? Vacuum check complete. Oxygen levels are normal. Microbe scans are negative. Clear. The air is stale, old. That's the smell of ghosts. I've got her on-board computer up. Not working? She's working, all right. Just--l don't know. Too damn fast. Dad, do you hear something? Like the drip, drip of blood. You really need to shut up. Here. This matter appears biological. Nothing good will come of this. You, of course, being the expert on space exploration. Let's go. Trust me, Major. Evil knows evil. Motion sensors are still working. This way. Rambler-crane series robots. But like no design I've ever seen. Well, well. aren't we the poor cousin? Down here. It's a remote op station. Come on, Dr Smith. Could this ship be a prototype? Looks like some kind of firefight. Captain's log is degraded. Maybe I can gather some fragments. Sorry. The hyperspace tracker seems to be functioning normally... but we cannot process all the data. There is no sign of the Jupiter 2. I have exceeded my timetable. When did he make Major? I want this on the record. I am not willing to give up. Don would keep looking for me. That's it. The rest of the data's totally corrupted. How could they launch a rescue mission for us... when we've only been lost a day? There's no data on the alien ship... but they brought in something that was attached to its hull. Got it. Some sort ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Место встречи изменить нельзя на английском - текст КОАПП на английском - текст Как я съел собаку на английском - текст Жизнь Эмиля Золя на английском - текст Маньяк-полицейский на английском |