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l can't get the cryo-sleep
systems up over 96%.
Dr Smith approved the specs.
Dr Smith is the base physician.
l am responsible inflight.
These tubes will be perfect,
or the ship will not launch.
ls that clear?
Absolutely, Doctor.
Judy, l want to introduce you
to Major West.
He'll be taking Mike's place.
He's heavier than Mike.
We'll have to recalibrate.
l'd be happy to discuss
my dimensions, Doctor...
say, over dinner?
l've read about you.
You're a war hero, aren't you?
Well, yes, actually.
Who was it who said,
"Those who can't think, fight"?
I think that it was me.
lt was nice to have met you.
That's one cold fish
l'd love to thaw.
l'm not gonna make it over
for dinner tonight, Dad.
lt's gonna be a long flight.
Maureen, pick up the phone,
l know you're there.
Are you still packing?
l'm just leaving.
Go to bed.
He won first prize again.
ls this the new model
he's been working on?
Crazy idea he's got about a...
time machine?
Pretty sharp stuff for a midget.
Sorry about dinner.
That new pilot--
John, the family needs you here.
This whole thing
is about family.
My only condition
for accepting this mission...
was that we could bring
the children with us...
not leave them behind...
so future generations
would have a new home.
You're off saving humanity,
so what does it matter...
that Will
has to blackout his school...
to get his father's attention...
Penny's been dragged home
by security 3 nights in a row...
Judy's become a ghost,
like her father?
l have to compensate
for the new launch time.
What do you think I'm doing?
Revising life-science protocols.
l'm also dealing
with two kids...
who are leaving
an entire planet behind.
Sorry, but there's no manuals
on how to deal with this.
Maybe it doesn't do any good...
saving a world of families
if we can't save our own.
ls that it, Professor?
I know, baby.
I'm scared, too.
Med supplies for the Jupiter 2?
That's our last crate.
What a mess.
They're not taking any chances.
Forgive me if I for ego the kiss,
my sleeping be he moth...
but the time has come to awake.
Robot is on-line.
Reviewing primary directives.
preserve the Robinson family.
maintain the ship's systems.
Spare me the chatter,
my steely centurion.
Sadly, I fear I have far more
dire deeds in store for you.
Robotis on-line.
Reviewing primary directives.
Sixteen hours into mission,
destroy Robinson family.
Destroy all systems.
That's more like it.
my platinum-plated pal.
Give my regards to oblivion.
Apparently you have completed
your mission on schedule.
l do so admire a spot
of timely terrorism.
I thought I told you
never to call me here.
The transmission signal
could be traced.
l just wanted to express
my most sincere gratitude...
for your unflagging loyalty.
Goodwork, good doctor...
and good-bye.
Jupiter 1 launch
in three minutes.
Mom, just--
Mom, l'm fine.
That's supposed to be there.
This is almost acceptable.
-Mom, don't.
Vogue says this will be
the style in 10 years.
Can we cut back on her oxygen...
so she's not so annoying
when she wakes up?
Does he have to wake up at all?
That's it. l'm gonna turn
this space ship around.
Satellite defence net locked
and A-OK.
-Everything's gonna be fine.
-30 seconds. Mark.
-Hey there, buddy.
-Com-links encoded and secure.
-Good night, guys.
-Good night.
Here we go.
Artificial gravity at 100%.
You get a "C"
in paternal expression...
butan "A" for effort.
-l'm doing the best I can.
-Come here.
You always get an "A" in this.
Main drive systems on-line.
Sweet dreams.
See you there.
You are at "T" minus one minute
and counting, Major West.
Houston, the bird is hot.
She's all yours.
I'll try to give you
a smooth ride.
Mission control,
this is Dr Robinson.
We are in the green.
Roger, Doctor. You are go
to initiate cryo-stasis.
One question.
ls there room
Затерянные в космосе Затерянные в космосе

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- текст Назад в Будущее на английском

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