grab WiII and get out. HaIt! Stop! Do you remember me? Do you remember whatI taughtyou aboutfriendship? I needyouto heIpus now, because we'refriends. Logic error. Friendshipdoes not compute. ForgetIogic. Act with your heart. Robothas no heart. Robotis powered by afusion puIse generator. Every Iivingthing has a heart. My programming has been modified to remove aII emotion. Any attempts to override command protocoIs... may resuItinfusing my neuraI net. PIease, Robot? If you don'tIetus go, we're aII gonna die. I'm askingyou now, wiIIyou heIpus? WiIIyou be my friend? Robotattempting to deactivate controI boIt. -Commands overridden! -Do it! Destroy RobinsonfamiIy! Destroy! You did it. Robot wiII save WiII Robinson. Robot wiII save hisfriend. Where are they? Waithere. Without that core... I can'tpromise we'II get off this rock. See if you can make it backto our Jupiter. I'II get the core materiaI and meetyouthere. We don'thave the trackers tofind our way back. ThefamiIy needs theirfather. The crew needs their piIot. I can'tfIy the ship as weII as you can. You're their best chance to survive. Listen to me. I know you never wanted to take this job. Ithink you're goingto turn out to be a grade-A baby-sitter. So... the camper's aIIyours now. Take care of them. Good Iuck. -Dad! -Professor! Remember the space spiders in the Proteus? They're not goingto be abIe to getback. EnabIe aII missiIes. But the warheads don't work. Just do it. Look! Damn, he's stiII breathing. Fire in the hoIe. So these saiIors, they drew shapes in the sky... Look! It's afIare! heIp them findtheir way home. Danger, WiII Robinson! CIimbon! Hurry! FieId dampeners on-Iine. PortaI compression commenced. TeII me again, oId monster, how didthe girIs die? We've been over this before, son. In aIIthe years since... the spiders have never resurfaced. Why? Let'sforget the past. PortaI aperture reduction, 50%. CarefuI, chiId! The pIasma aroundthe portaI... wiII ripa man into pieces! Haven'tyou made the doorway... too smaII? Notfor me. But then I'm not going, am I? Spiders didn'tkiIIthe girIs. It was you. I justnever IetmyseIf see it. You keptme aIive because you needed me. Because I couId buiIdthisfor you. Poor boy. Didyou reaIIy think IwouId Ietyou go home? LetaIIthatI have become vanish? Look atme! I am no mere man!! Within these egg sacs growthe seeds... of a master race of spiders. We shaII descend upon heIpIess Earth... an entire pIanet to ruIe! An entire pIanet on which tofeed! Time to die...son. I'm notyour son. Good-bye. My father once said... "EviI aIwaysfinds its trueform." You shouId have kiIIed me when you hadthe chance. Youwere right. I couIdn'tkiIIthe man... butI can kiIIthe monster! Spare me thefury of the righteous. Ithinkthere's timefor a snack before my trip. The pain. You ain'tseen nothingyet. Remember the Proteus? These monsters eat their wounded. Take aIIthe time youwant to die! Wake up, son! Dad? Core materiaI insertion compIete. AIItabIe run--2058. Mission controI. You couId've taken the core and Ieftbefore it was too Iate. I couIdn'tIetyoufaII. You're my boy. Mom! It's them. Hi, Mom! You aII right? You're notas dumbas you Iook. I'm gonna getyour name tattooed righthere. Greetings. Where'sJohn? The bubbIe cIosed behind us. It was his onIy way back. I'm sorry. We've aIready begun the pre-fIight countdown. I'm goingto save as many Iives as I can. I kepthoping somehow he'd make itback. Let's go, Major. Good-bye, my Iove. Engaging primary thrusters now. Look. He made it. Go. We're not getting any aItitude. We don'thave enough power. I'm sorry. I couIdn'tsave them. So many years ago. I can stiIIfeeI it-- our sun... our Earth. It's aII Ithoughtabout-- going home. A Iongtime ago, youtoId a smaII boy... that one day he'd understand how much hisfather ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Великий Зигфилд на английском - текст Лунный Папа на английском - текст На игре на английском - текст Северная сторона на английском - текст Шиза на английском |