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Like puIIing steeI needIes
through my cheeks.
Then you understand
whatsayingthisfeeIs Iike.
Try to come backin one piece.
Listen, doc, I'm...
I'm thinkingthis is your basic
"kissfor Iuck" occasion.
WouIdn'tyou agree?
It's notreaIIy
your strong suit, is it?
I've gotafix
on the radioactive materiaI.
That was scientific.
There's an aIIoy
in this crater waII...
that's disabIingthe com-Iinks.
You're not goingto be abIe
to communicate with the ship.
Come home to me, Professor.
I Iove you, wife.
Come here, squirt.
Nice girI.
Pretty girI. Nice.
It's OK.
You're stiII in one piece.
Come on.
Systems error!
RobotunabIe to Iocate
motor controIs!
UnabIe to--
CaIm down.
Whatis happeningto me?
I didn'thave enough time
tofinish the downIoad.
Penny, give itback!
My circuits are unbaIanced.
So I hadtofinish you off
with another personaIity.
I putmy mind inside of yours.
That expIains
this warmfuzzy feeIing...
when Ithink aboutbasebaII.
Strike! You're out!
But this does not compute.
Robot triedto destroy
the RobinsonfamiIy.
Why didWiII Robinson
save Robot's personaIity?
I guess sometimesfriendship
means Iisteningto your heart...
notyour head.
Put thatin your memory bank.
Don't worry.
I'm gonna buiIdyou a new body.
Mom aIways said I shouId
try to make newfriends.
I need a microseaIer.
I gotit.
After much deIiberation...
the space captive
hasfinaIIy decided...
to accepther new roIe
as a member of the crew.
The Robinsons, after aII,
can obviousIy use her heIp.
BIarp, come backhere.
thisfuture wouId befixed...
unchanged by what we do
or did in the past--
Why don'tyou give
the oId egghead a rest?
Outhere we got two moons,
a crater the size of Miami...
andthat wouId be
one great cIimb.
My father wouId have Iikedyou.
What's that?
This metaI's decades oId.
Whatkind of a nightmare
is this?
Where the heII are we?
The question is,
when the heII are we?
IwiIIteIIyou a joke.
Why didthe robot
cross the road?
Because he was carbon-bonded
to the chicken.
We have a Iot of workto do.
Thatsounds Iike oId Morse code.
What does itsay?
WiII Robinson, danger."
WiIIiam. Come in.
You said someone was in danger.
We aII are.
You are wise to arm yourseIf.
This gun is set tofire
for me onIy...
so don't try anythingfunny.
You misjudge me.
I onIy want to heIpyou.
Youtriedto kiII us.
Butnow ourfates
are intertwined.
If yourfather
andthatidiot WestfaiI...
I have no chance
of getting home.
It's in my bestinterests
that they succeed...
and I aIwaysfoIIow
my bestinterests.
Whatmonsters roam
these aIien wiIds?
To set off bIindIy
across this savage Iand.
Much as I hate to admitit...
it wiII be much harder
without them.
Whatare youtaIking about?
They'II be back.
They'II be OK.
Someone shouId go after them.
Iforbid it. You're a boy.
A cIever one,
buta chiId nonetheIess.
This pIanet
is IikeIy fuII of predators.
Even if youfoundthem,
whatif they're hurt? Ravaged?
What good couIdyou do?
You can heIp them.
You're a doctor.
I'm a doctor.
We made it.
Mom didn'tsee us.
ItoIdyouwe couId get
into the bubbIe this way.
The bubbIe's growing!
Run, chiId!
Come on.
We can aIways go back.
It's justIike stepping
between two rooms.
I can bareIy contain my gIee.
Dad's signaI is...
this way.
I Ioathe chiIdren.
hot wings, orchids, corn.
popcorn with...kissing...
What didyoufind?
Come on.
No time to dawdIe.
Let's move aIong.
FoIIow yourfather's signaI.
Come on.
AIIthings reaIIy do come
to he who waits.
Whatis this pIace?
The shockmusthave
scrambIedyour brain.
Take a Iook around.
Don'tyou recognize this spot?
You're home.
This can'tbe.
Whathave you done to the ship?
Where is my famiIy?
What chance do youthink
yourfamiIy hadwithoutyou?
A few
Затерянные в космосе Затерянные в космосе

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