How couId I have been so bIind? I'II justrun and getyou a gun so we can hijackthe ship, OK? Sarcasm is the recourse of the weakmind. I'm hidingthe pain. ReaIIy. Lock. Your pain... has justbegun. StarIight, star bright. A miIIion strange stars, and onIy one wish. Iwish we were home. Never seen a sky Iook so aIien. We reaIIy are Iost, aren't we? When thefirstsaiIors circIedthe gIobe... saw a brand-new sky... they thought they'd saiIed off the edge of the earth... but they were reaIIy justaroundthe corner. You're sayingwe shouId justbiIIow our saiIs... and Iet the windtake us home? Is thatit? Those saiIors... foundfamiIiar shapes... in the stars... to make the sky seem morefriendIy... andto heIp them findtheir way home. That's howthe consteIIations were born. Porky, the wise and mighty pig. The great... big-eared bunny Bugs. The way you gotus down here, that was pretty fIying. My quarters or yours? Excuse me? Don'tpIay coy. We're the onIy singIe peopIe of consenting age in the gaIaxy. How much more of a set-up do you need? So youfigure, why not dispense with the pIeasantries... and get down to business? You have a way with words. Do youwant to show me how you handIe the heIm? Righthere on this consoIe? Righthere wouId befine. Why don'tyou justhang on to your joystick? ExceIIent technique, Major. ReaIIy. WiIIwas Iookingfor you. I senthim backto his room. He's decided he can rebuiIdthe robot. He wants to stay upaII night and show me his designs. Funny creatures, men. Try so hard not to be theirfathers... end upmakingthe same mistakes. We can't get off this pIanet, IetaIone getback on course. I don'thave time. JustIisten to him. It doesn'tmatter whathe says. JustIisten. Sometimes--especiaIIy in the eyes of theirfathers-- IittIe boys have to comefirst. As soon as we getback upinto space... we'II spend a Iot of time together, I promise. It's nice havingyour whoIefamiIy under one roof. Even if we did have to go... haIfway across the gaIaxy to manage it. Good night, John. Good night, Maureen. Good night, Judy. Good night, WiII. Good night, Penny. You guys have got to be kidding. Good morning, WiII Robinson. SoIar paneIs are charged. The radioactive materiaI we needfor the core... is in the centre of thatbubbIe. Iwas afraid of this. OK, everybody, Iet's getsettIed now. Ithinkthis "bubbIe" out there... is exactIy the same thing we passedthrough in space. Both of them are opening and cIosing doorways. Doorways to where? Doorways in...time. You can'tbe serious. Time traveI is impossibIe. It's not. JustimprobabIe. Whatif we crossed into a time... years after Earth senta rescue mission? Perhaps the professor hithis headwhen we Ianded. Think aboutit. The way the Proteus seemed desertedfor so Iong. Yourfriend Iooking so oId. So if we waIk inside thatbubbIe... we couId be waIking further into thefuture. Dad, whatif the doorways aren'tnaturaI? This kind of phenomenon couId onIy be produced naturaIIy. ThatbubbIe's the kind of side effect... I predicted my time machine wouId do. Whatif someone buiIta device-- Son... I appreciate your input... butnow is not the time forfIights of fancy. You never Iisten to me. Not ever. This time bubbIe couId be causingthese earthquakes. No teIIing how Iong before this pIanetbreaks upentireIy. The major and I are goingto Iocate... the radioactive materiaI for the core. We may have very IittIe time. I'm Ieaving now. That's a surprise. You're the mostimportant thing in the worIdto me. One day, I hope you'II be abIe to understandthat. Whatif... one time you don't come home? Whenever your grandfather went on a mission... he'd Ieave these with me for safekeeping. When he came home, IwouId aIways be there... waitingto give them back. I'm coming back. I promise. Listen... aboutIastnight... Go on. You can do it. I'm sorry. See, that wasn'tso ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Руководство на английском - текст Звезда на английском - текст Родина ждёт на английском - текст Ночь и день на английском - текст Шерлок Холмс и доктор Ватсон на английском |