breach in 15 seconds. I'm bringingthe Proteus fusion drives on-Iine. It's working. Let's turn up the heat. Whatare you doing? Never Ieave an enemy stronghoId intact. Stop! That's one of yourfather's firstruIes of engagement. Thatis a direct order. I hate spiders. That's comingfast. Getinto the harnesses now. ManuaI heIm, engage. -ChiIdren, secure? -Secure. I'm in. PuII up. ReaIIy? No kidding. Thanks. Coming in too hot. I'IItry and sIow us down. Hang on! Everybody by the numbers. Life sciences, stiII breathing. Video mechanics... OK. Mission medicaI, I'm aIive. Me, too. Robotics, I mean. I'm aIive... Major West's poor excusefor piIoting skiIIs notwithstanding. Oh, Dorothy. Backin Kansas atIast. YouvioIated a direct order. AbouthaIf the core materiaI's burned out. We'II never generate enough power to break orbit. We can get off the ground... but getting backinto space is another story. I orderedyou not to bIow thatship's reactors. Life supportis marginaI. It's gonna get coId in here tonight. AIso, the pod andthe chariot are pretty much scrapmetaI. Don'tyouwaIk away from me when I'm taIkingto you. Give ita rest, Professor. Iwas technicaIIy stiII in command. I am commander of this mission. Look, no offence... butyou're an egghead with an honorary rank. No one ever intendedfor you to handIe combatsituations. You handIed itbriIIiantIy, sending us crashing down here. Those aIiens posed a continuingthreat. I made a judgement caII... and, if I have to, I'II make itagain. You of aII peopIe shouId understandthat. Yourfather wouId backme up. My father is dead... kiIIed in one of those combat missions you admire so much. My famiIy is on this ship, andyouwiIIfoIIow my orders... whether you agree with them or not. Is that cIear? Save your speeches. I Iike you, butI'm gonna do whatever it takes... to ensure the success of this mission... with or withoutyour heIp. Is that cIear? Am I interrupting something? No, reaIIy. Ithink youtwo shouId sIug it out. Here we are, stranded on an aIien worId... andyouwant to getinto a pissing contest? PIease, gofor it. I'II haveJudy down here to decIare you both unfit... and I'IItake over this mission. I don't want to hear another wordfrom you. Is that cIear? Not...another word. Better. If you'vefinished hosing down the decks with testosterone... I suggestyou come with me. I may havefound a way off this pIanet. TeII me aboutit. Damn bug bite. She... She reaIIy is an interesting specimen. Huh, doc? She'sfascinating. The retinaI aperture diIation... seems directIy Iinked to the skin pigmentation. What? Can I keepher? She's notjustanotherfad you can pick upandthrow away. Oh, pIease. She's aII aIone here, and I promise I'II Iook outfor her. I promise. She kind of needs me. The minute you mispIace her, youforget tofeed her-- Don'tsmiIe. I mean it, Pen. Thanks...doc. We're both a Iongway from home, aren't we, IittIe one? BIarp? That's what we'II caIIyou-- BIarp. Nice girI. Pretty girI. Nice. The atmosphere here can sustain human Iife. I've Iocated 500 rads of radioactive materiaI... five miIes west. We'II need atIeast thatmuch to get the corefunctioning again. We start outat daybreak. Be safer that way. Those are my orders. I agree with your recommendation. Dйtente's a beautifuIthing. It's nice to see youfound a corner to suityour taIents. Turn down the bed before you Ieave. I gave my word I'd Ietyou Iive. I never saidfor how Iong. FamiIy hour is over. We're dying here. Robinson is out of his Ieague. Lookinto his eyes andteII me you can'tsee hisfear. Ifoughtin the miIIenniaIwars. SurvivaI is a soIdier's game. We both knowthis civiIianfooI wiII Iead us straight to heII. Robinson needs our heIp, if he wants it or not. With minimaIforce, we couIdtake this ship... and assure them we shaII continue atyour command. Of course. My God... you're right. ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Звёздный путь: Поколения на английском - текст Весна на Заречной улице на английском - текст Курица на ветру на английском - текст Основной инстинкт 2 на английском - текст Вертихвостки на английском |