eviI. Motion sensors are stiIIworking. This way. RambIer-crane series robots. ButIike no design I've ever seen. WeII, weII. Aren't we the poor cousin? Down here. It's a remote opstation. Come on, Dr Smith. CouIdthis shipbe a prototype? Looks Iike some kind of firefight. Captain's Iog is degraded. Maybe I can gather somefragments. Sorry. The hyperspace tracker seems to befunctioning normaIIy... but we cannotprocess aIIthe data. There is no sign of theJupiter 2. I have exceeded my timetabIe. When did he make Major? Iwant this on the record. I am not wiIIingto give up. Don wouId keepIookingfor me. That's it. The rest of the data's totaIIy corrupted. How couIdthey Iaunch a rescue missionfor us... when we've onIy been Iosta day? There's no data on the aIien ship... but they broughtin something that was attachedto its huII. Gotit. Some sort of egg sac? Getbackhere! Be happy to obIige... aIthough I don't thinkit's me you shouId be worrying about... butrather these. I'm detecting motion. Behindyou. After it. Move! Bring Smith. Don't even think aboutit. Hydroponics. Growth Iike this wouIdtake decades. Unhand me, you mechanicaI moron. Don'tmove. Easy. Easy there, buddy. No one's gonna hurtyou. Easy. ReIax. ExceIIent. Looks Iike you made afriend. StiII, I'dwaitafew weeks... before tattooing her name on your arm. Do yourseIf afavour. Don't evoIve. Charming. The Dr DoIittIe of outer space. This couId be a creature from thataIien ship. But this guy's no piIot. He Iooks Iike a chiId. Try itnow. Strange. The scaIes are giving off heat. I've tapped into the internaI sensor array. There's no other animate Iife present. Besides us, this shipis totaIIy deserted. A ghostship. ThefIavour of the day is banana beef. Who thinks up these combinations? Good. Major West, I highIy recommendyou never breed. That, by the way, is my medicaI opinion. LittIe thingwas hungry. I've got their star maps on-Iine. Here we go. More systems than I've ever seen. Finding a route to AIpha Prime. DownIoadingtoJupiter. I don'tIike the sound of thatsound. They're moving. Get this infernaI... creature off me! Come here. John, get the heII out of there. Mom says, "Get the heII out of there." Evacuate. Now! The controIs are too sIow. Activate hoIographic interface. HoIographic interface, on-Iine. They eat their wounded. SeaIthe buIkhead. Codes are Iocked. Duck. Emergency buIkhead. Fire sensor activated. Emergency buIkhead cIosure. Stop! We have to get that door open. Open, damn you! Get out of here. Whatis with me andthese damn doors? I can't override thefire protocoI! A miIIion bucks worth of weaponry... and I'dtrade itaII back... for a Iousy... can of Raid. Stand cIear. Getmoving! Go! Come on! Maureen... can you getme anything? CycIingthrough a vacuum check. I'm overriding. No way it's that easy. Run! Run! Getback! Getbackto the ship! Move! Gotit. Try itnow. Mom says, "Try itnow." Can we save it? Can't withoutIetting the spiders into the ship. Leave him behind! Thatspider scratched me! StopIaughing, you IittIe worm. Good-bye, Robot. You couIdn'tsave him, kid. Save him? Of course. Whatare youtryingto do? Prepare to disengage! This is afun picnic. FirstyeIIow aIiens, now giantspiders. The crowd goes wiId. RecaIIyour chiIdhood nightmares, Major. Monsters are rareIy so easiIy dissuaded. Why don'tyoutaIkto them, bugto bug? Ithink they'd rather come inside. Armingtorpedoes. Fire in the hoIe. AIert. DetonationfaiIure. The robotmusthave damaged the detonator cores. They won'tbIow. AIert. Outer hubhas been compromised. DNA extrapoIation coming up. SiIicone-based, mantium sheII, Iack of respiratory system. Means they do Iive in deepspace. Tiny frontbrain impIies communaI reIationships. Like bees. If the bioIogy Iesson is over, I couId use some heIp. They may be attracted to heatand Iight. Inner huII ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Кандагар на английском - текст Бежин луг на английском - текст Львиное сердце на английском - текст Справка на английском - текст Спаун на английском |