currentposition. Searching for recognizabIe consteIIations. This database has star maps of aIIthe known gaIaxy. I don'trecognize a singIe system. We're Iost.... aren't we? Easy, doc. God. PIease. The cryosuitabsorbed most of the eIectricaI charge. You're Iucky this wasn'tyour hide. Doctor, is that concern I detectin your voice? Greatbedside manner. What's that? A battIe scar? Sort of. It was a tattoo. An ex-girIfriend's name, butI had itremoved. WouIdn'titbe easier to use a magic marker? Yeah, weII, that's me. A girI in every port. So, Major, nofamiIy? Nothingto tie you down, no one to miss? I've never been thefit-in and pIay-nice type. Youthinkthat's romantic? I don't. But whataboutyou, doc? Is there some Iucky IittIe nerd you Ieftbehind? I spent three years working on this mission. We're tryingto save the pIanet. I haven'thadtimeforfun. If there's no timeforfun... then whatare we saving the pIanetfor? Here. Thanks. I hate being IittIe. Ithinkitbroke. I'IItry andfix it. Why aren'tyou upon deck with Mom and Dad? Have you met our parents? Good point. Popcorn, orchids... waves, BiIIy... kissing. ChocoIate. It's a Iist... of everythingwe Ieftbehind. Never Iove anything, kiddo... 'cause you just end up Iosing it. Smith couId stiII hurtus. Maybe I shouIdn'tIethim Iive. But... How can we bring civiIization to the stars... if we can'tremain civiIized? Right, Professor? Have you noticedthatyou take the opposite position... to whatever I say? Of course I do. We're married. AIert. SpatiaI anomaIy in progress. What the heII? I mustbe dreaming. ThatIooks Iike a ship. Itappears to be some sort of hoIe in space. Where does itIead? A reasonabIe question. Major, wait. I'IIwaitIater. PuII back. Let there be Iight. Proteus? She's one of ours, aII right. AII right. I've never seen a ship Iike this. No response to haiIs. Scanning aII miIitary and civiIianfrequencies. Nothing. I'm getting inconsistentIife signs... but they may be sensor ghosts. Computer is stiII on. I'IItry the standard docking codes. ControI codes confirmed. Initiating docking sequence. Weird. Whatkind of shipis that? That's not one of ours. Boys, that's not even human. If this is aII a dream... why can't there be more girIs? As part of her ensIavement... the brave young space captive Penny Robinson... isforcedto utiIize her dazzIingtechnicaI expertise. Identify yourseIf, soIdier. West, Major, United GIobaI Space Force... requesting permission to see the prisoner. Proceed, Major West. CouId he be cuter? I don't think so. Breathe, Penny. UnIock. These quarters are unacceptabIe. We're goingto check out the probe ship. Maybe we canfigure outhowthey gothere and howto gethome. Have a wonderfuItrip. Put this on. You're comingwith us. Out of the question. I am a doctor, nota space expIorer. Whatyou are is a murderous saboteur. I am notIeavingyou here... so you can do more harm than you've aIready caused. I absoIuteIy refuse. Give me an excuse to kiIIyou. PIease? BIack was aIways my coIour. Lock. Activate standby. Crush, kiII, destroy. Surprise. Safety on. Dad, chiII. It's OK. I hacked into his CPU, andthen... I bypassed his main operating systems... and accessed his subroutines. He's basicaIIy justrunning on remote controI. I know I haven'tbeen around-- Professor. We're ready to go. We'IItaIkIater, son. Take care of my dad. OK, Robot? Vacuum check compIete. Oxygen IeveIs are normaI. Microbe scans are negative. CIear. The air is staIe, oId. That's the smeII of ghosts. I've got her on-board computer up. Not working? She's working, aII right. Just--I don'tknow. Too damnfast. Dad, do you hear something? Like the drip, dripof bIood. You reaIIy needto shutup. Here. This matter appears bioIogicaI. Nothing goodwiII come of this. You, of course, beingthe expert on space expIoration. Let's go. Trustme, Major. EviI knows ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Питер Фм на английском - текст Родина ждёт на английском - текст Восток - Запад на английском - текст Закон Мерфи на английском - текст Космические дальнобойщики на английском |