sequence and stand by. If thefamiIy won't come to the sciencefair... bringthe sciencefair to thefamiIy. Showoff. Robot. On-Iine. Standing by. Return to docking bay and power down. Major, you aII right? Nextpicnic, no robots. Where'sJudy? StabiIize the operating systems. Fire controI. Attempting containmentprotocoIs. Iwant to go home now. Navigation's down. System shorts everywhere. Damn. Communications are out. Link up the secondary system. -Shunting powerfrom reserve. -Come on. Try itnow. NavigationaI boards are Iit. Can we reroute? I'm Iocked out of the heIm. Nothing in computer controI. Main com to manuaI. See if she'II respond. The main subroutine won't open. I'm gonna try remote ops. Smith! Getback! Getaway from me! What the heII are you doing here? Major West, thank God it's you. Iwas in here doing some Iastminute checks. Someone hitmefrom behind. That's Sedition technoIogy. You're a damn spy. You didthis. Whatare you doing? Throwing out the trash! I need heIp! I can't getJudy out! She's dying! Touch me, andthe girI dies! I don't deaIwith dead men. KiII me, kiIIthe girI. How much is your revenge worth? I can save her Iife... onIy if you give me your word as an officer you'II spare mine. -HeIpher. -I've gotheIm controI. We're way off course. We're caughtin the sun's gravitationaI puII. Is that what thatbig baII is? We've gotfour minutes before the outer huII begins to meIt. I needyouto check on the thruster aIignments. Professor! I'IItry for the Mercury mines. I'II need Dr Robinson's portabIe gurney. You'IIfind itbeIow. Smith, come on! Youtriedto kiII my famiIy. We trustedyou. It's the worId behindthe worId, Professor Robinson. Lie once, cheat twice, and everything becomes cIear. Do notmistake my deception for a characterfIaw. Itis a phiIosophicaI choice... thatI'vefound in a study of the universe. Itis a way of Iife. You're a monster. Perhaps, butI'm aIso the onIy one... who can saveJudy's Iife. Penny, precious, Iwantyouto short the power on my command. Does he have to caII me precious? Penny, precious. Now! She's notbreathing. Sickbay, move! The sun won'tIetus go. HeatshieId breach, 60 seconds. I need options, Professor. We have to divertaII power to the engines. I'm rerouting Iife sciences. Rerouting Iife support. Engines at80%. There's no cardiopuImonary or respiratory functions. CIear. Again. CIear. AIert. MedicaI. Rerouting error. Systems are crashing. We're Iosing her. Do something. Come on, chiId. Puta IittIe heartinto it. The other Iife I save... wiII be my own. Wake up, baby, pIease. That's aIIthe power we've got. I'm puttingthe pedaI to the metaI. Here it goes. She can'tbreakfree. She doesn'thave enough thrust. There's got to be a way to get through this. That's it. It's working! Whatis? If we can't go aroundthe sun, we go straight through it... usingyour hyperdrive. Engage the hyperdrive withouta gate? We couId be thrown anywhere in the gaIaxy. Anywhere buthere. On my mark. Three, two, one, initiate. Hyperdrive at 100%. Major, you have the com. Dad? Dad! Let's see what this baby can do. Maureen, everyone? -Where isJudy? -She's OK. She is, thanks to me. Here I am. Either I shouId cut down on the Iiquids... or I shouId sew in a newfIap because it was reaIIy heII... getting out of that thing. You're... VitaIs are normaI. PuIse and respiration seem to be. -Are you OK? -I'mfine. Come here. WiII every IittIe probIem be an excuseforfamiIiaI sentiment? How much, Smith? What was the price tag thatyou put on ourfuture? You can't do it, can you, John? You can'tkiIIthe man withoutbecomingthe monster. Coward. What's happened, John? Where are we? I bypassed most of the damaged systems. We'II have to repair the rest manuaIIy. You had me worried, doc. Nice to see youthawed. You have a puzzIing definition of a smooth ride. Computer, mapour ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Оставайся голодным на английском - текст Сказка о потерянном времени на английском - текст Зеркало на английском - текст Последняя Ночь на английском - текст Чебурашка и Крокодил Гена на английском |