manuaIs on howto deaIwith this. Maybe it doesn't do any good... saving a worId of famiIies if we can'tsave our own. Is thatit, Professor? John. I know, baby. I'm scared, too. Med suppIiesfor theJupiter 2? That's our Iast crate. Whata mess. They're not taking any chances. Forgive me if Iforego the kiss, my sIeeping behemoth... but the time has come to awake. Robotis on-Iine. Reviewing primary directives. One-- preserve the RobinsonfamiIy. Two-- maintain the ship's systems. Spare me the chatter, my steeIy centurion. SadIy, Ifear I havefar more dire deeds in storefor you. Robotis on-Iine. Reviewing primary directives. Sixteen hours into mission, destroy RobinsonfamiIy. Destroy aII systems. That's more Iike it. FareweII, my pIatinum-pIated paI. Give my regards to obIivion. ApparentIy you have compIeted your mission on scheduIe. I do so admire a spot of timeIy terrorism. IthoughtItoIdyou never to caII me here. The transmission signaI couId be traced. I just wantedto express my mostsincere gratitude... for your unfIagging IoyaIty. Goodwork, good doctor... and good-bye. Jupiter 1Iaunch in three minutes. Mom, just-- Shoot. Mom, I'mfine. That's supposedto be there. This is aImostacceptabIe. -Mom, don't. -What? Vogue says this wiII be the styIe in 10years. Can we cutback on her oxygen... so she's notso annoying when she wakes up? Does he have to wake upataII? That's it. I'm gonna turn this spaceshiparound. SateIIite defence netIocked andA-OK. -Everything's gonna befine. -30 seconds. Mark. -Hey there, buddy. -Com-Iinks encoded and secure. -Good night, guys. -Good night. Here we go. ArtificiaI gravity at 100%. You geta "C" in paternaI expression... butan "A" for effort. -I'm doingthe bestI can. -Come here. You aIways getan "A" in this. Main drive systems on-Iine. Sweet dreams. See youthere. You are at"T" minus one minute and counting, Major West. Houston, the bird is hot. She's aIIyours. I'IItry to give you a smooth ride. Mission controI, this is Dr Robinson. We are in the green. Roger, Doctor. You are go to initiate cryo-stasis. One question. Is there room in these tubesfor two? There's bareIy enough for you andyour ego. Don'tsweatit, doc. I do this aIIthe time. Just drive carefuIIy. You are at"T" minus40 seconds and counting. Ready. You are at"T" minus 30 seconds and counting. You are at"T" minus 20 seconds and counting. ControI, this isJupiter 1. The Robinsons are aIItucked in. We are ready tofIy. Major West, your escape vector is cIear of aIItraffic. Opis go on your command. Roger, Houston. Andthe monkey fIips the switch. Jupiter 1booster disengaged. This isJupiter 2. Diverting aII spacecraft controI to the main computer. Eightyears of fIight training. NavigationaI hoIographics on-Iine. Fifty combatmissions. Course confirmedfor sIingshot exit of the soIar system. So I can take thefamiIy camper on an intersteIIar picnic. Ten years is a Iifetime. SIeepweII, oIdfriend. I never Iiked thesefreezingtubes. Bad dreams. NavigationaI interface confirmed. Cryo-sIeepsystems at 100%. Shit! Robotis on-Iine. Sixteen hours into mission, destroy RobinsonfamiIy. Destroy aII systems. DisabIe program! Sixteen hours into mission, destroy RobinsonfamiIy. Destroy aII systems. Robotis on-Iine. Destroy. Destroy aII operating systems. Destroy Jupiter 2. Destroy aII operating systems. Destroy Jupiter 2. Destroy cryo-sIeepsystems. Destroy. Destroy navigationaI systems. Come on! Wake up, damn you! I can'tstop this infernaI contraption on my own. Emergency cryo-stasis desequencing in process. Destroy aII systems. Destroy RobinsonfamiIy. Maureen, the chiIdren! Destroy. Run! -Destroy. -Deactivate safety. That was a mistake. Dad! Mom, Iet's go! -WiII, stop! -Destroy. Destroy Jupiter 2. Destroy RobinsonfamiIy. Look away, baby. Robot, disabIe puIse bIaster. Command accepted. CanceI attack ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст По закону на английском - текст Ранняя весна на английском - текст Роджер и я на английском - текст Бобик в гостях у Барбоса на английском - текст Аленький цветочек на английском |