again, Mom. It's good to see you all. Take care of them, Will. Don't forget me. He sacrificed everything for his family. I'm glad you came back. I just want you to know I love you. I love you very much. The planet is breaking up around us. We're doomed! Boy, that felt good. Get us airborne. I'm going to try to reach escape velocity. We don't have the core material. The gravity wells will pull us back down. We might be able to-- We won't make it. I know. We have to go... down-- through the planet as she's breaking up. We can use the planet's gravity... What? to throw us out the other side and back into space. That's insane. I don't have time to argue. That's a direct order. Yes, sir, Commander. This should be interesting. I see it. Full burn. Stop! -Right! -Left! Let me drive. All right, everybody, hold your noses. Rock and roll. Amazing. Nice work, flyboy. I earn that kiss yet? You earn this. This one's on credit. Coldfish, huh? There you are. Come here. Where have you been, you little creep? -Little creep? -Oh, great. Warning, Major West. My sensors indicate we have a problem. The planet's gravityfield is collapsing. We'll be sucked in. No way to get clear in time. The hyperdrive. I'm accessing the Proteus star maps. Here we go again. Targeting Alpha Prime... I hope. the warring nations of Earth had forgotten their differences... and bandedtogether to save our pIanet. The United GIobaI Space Force was searchingthe gaIaxy... for worIds rich with drinkabIe water and breathabIe air. The hypergate was our besthope to coIonize space... our besthopefor survivaI. Butas we prepared to Iaunch ourseIves... into the bIack of space... terrorists, caIIingthemseIves "The GIobaI Sedition..." were preparingto strike. Grissom base, this is Cargo 7 requesting Ianding cIearance. Roger, transport. This is Grissom gate controI. PIease downIoad security codes. DownIoading. Transport, I've got two bIips inside your radar signature. They're hiding in your shadow. I don'tsee anything. This is gate controI. BattIe stations. BattIe stations. Two Seditionfighters are attackingthe hypergate. BattIe stations. Gate controI, this is EagIe One. I'm Iocked and Ioaded. Ready tofIy. Roger, EagIe One. You're cIear to Iaunch. Jeb, where are you, buddy? This coIdwar just gothot. They're Sedition raiders. It's another mutantsuicide squad. Here we go. Man-to-man. SpIit them up. Last one to kiII a bad guy buys the beer. I'm gonna go through the gate, getinfront of him. That's notstandard procedure, Don. Better getinside his shieIds. You gen-techs are ugIy upcIose. TargetIock. Showtime. Bogey One dispatched. Don, he's right on my taiI. Damn! Can'tshake him. I've been hit! Weapons are off-Iine. I'm gonna jettison the main drive core. There you are. Am I good or what? Warning. FaiIure in redundant drive systems. Gate controI, this is Ranger One. Engines wiII notrespond. Don, I'mfaIIing towards the hypergate. Breakingthrusters won'tfire! Impactin30 seconds. Ranger One, this is base. Rescue craft have been dispatched. Grissom, those pods wiII never reach him in time. I'm going in. Major West, you are not authorizedto jeopardize-- Never Iikedthatstation anyway. Warning. Proximity aIert. Hang on, Jeb. I'm coming in. Abort. Abort! I'II give you a IittIe kiss. Don't take this the wrongway. Impactinfive seconds. Does this mean we're going steady? You're not getting out of buyingthose beers that easy. With intrepid pioneering spirit, the RobinsonfamiIy... wiII journey to the distant worId of AIpha Prime. Whatkind of future can our chiIdren Iookforwardto? A future in paradise. TheJupiter mission... made possibIe by the Army and SiIicon Graphics Corporation. S.G.I. Savingthefuture for our chiIdren. Give me a break. HoIo-caII from Houston middIe schooI. HeIIo? HeIIo, PrincipaI ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Ох уж эта наука! на английском - текст Золотой ребёнок на английском - текст Вертихвостки на английском - текст Этой ночи жена на английском - текст Это случилось однажды ночью на английском |