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been teaching
Coleman how to play gin rummy.
You're full of surprises, aren't you?
Okay? I just wanted
you to meet a friend of mine,
So, Coleman's told me
so much about you.
Really? He hasn't
told me shit about you.
What did he tell you?
That he's fucking
a cleaning lady?
Why are you doing
this to me?
- Doing what?
- Why are you doing this?
You know exactly
what you're doing.
You want somebody to talk to?
You have a good time.
I'm out of here.
I'm sorry about that.
- Coleman.
- Later. Excuse me.
Well, you've really come down
in the world, haven't you? Huh?
Dean of the college,
professor of Classics
Look what you ended up with.
So what did you
tell him about me?
Nathan's my friend, that's all.
Just my friend.
Did you tell him
I was your little whore?
The thing is, you can't
handle fucking someone
that you can't take
to a fancy restaurant.
Let's just end it, you know?
Just end it, end it
right now.
You don't get it, do you?
I can't.
I simply can't.
Turn off the fucking light!
It's Les.
Don't worry,
I already called the cops.
They'll be here any minute.
They know how to deal
with him, all right?
We just have to wait.
What the fuck are you doing?
You can't go out there.
He's fucking crazy.
Yeah, so am I.
Hey, Farley!
What do you want
Come on out of there,
you murdering bitch!
- Did she tell you? Did she?
- What?
Did she tell you she was
giving some guy a blowjob
while her kids were
catching on fire, did she?
Did she tell you that?
Get away from here
or I'll brain you!
- Get away!
- Put that fucking thing down
before I ram it through
your fucking skull!
That's my wife
you're fucking in there!
I want to talk to her.
Hi, baby.
- Hi, sweetheart.
- Go home. Come on.
It's all right. I can...
Come on, go home.
You hear that?
- I had to call the cops.
- Ah, what'd you do that for?
You're always fucking doing that.
I just want to talk to you
you murdering fucking cunt.
Come on, darling,
there's enough time
What are you fucking
this old guy for anyhow?
Get away from her.
Come on.
We'll go for a ride.
I'll bring you right back,
I promise.
Fuck 'em.
- Come on.
- No.
They know me.
They're not going to do anything.
I'll bring you right back,
I swear to God.
I don't want to talk to you.
Come on
Get your fucking hands off of me!
This is payback
for what I did in Nam.
This is what I fucking get
for saving my fucking country!
All the shit
I went through.
I come home to
some murdering bitch
treats me like garbage!
Please no more of this!
No more!
You wanted to know why
I didn't have any possessions.
This is what's left of my kids.
It was an accident, and he knows.
He knows the truth.
There was a...
There was a heater
and it...
it tipped over,
and the place...
the place caught fire.
You know, I can't figure out
what I should do with them.
I don't know, do I keep them?
Do I bury them?
I don't know.
What are you looking at?
Huh? Is this all
too trailer trash for you?
Just get out of here.
Go on, just leave.
You don't want to be a part of this.
Don't stay.
Please go.
Please go.
I can't.
Please go.
Everyone knows you're exploiting
an abused woman half your age.
Well, if this doesn't take the cake.
What's more, I know
damn well who wrote this.
- Who?
- Delphine Roux.
Professor of Languages
and Literature.
I hired her, for Christ's sakes.
I hired all of them.
Why would she send you
something like this?
I've no idea. How the hell
should I know? You're my lawyer.
Send her a letter. Warn her off.
- She'll just deny that she ever
- That's her writing.
Any handwriting expert
will confirm that.
Coleman, Listen,
forget about the letter.
What are you going to do
about Lester Farley?
I'll get an injunction.
A restraining order.
I don't know.
Have you any idea what you're
getting into here, Coleman?
You want me to fight a legal war
for you on two fronts.
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- текст Пропавший без вести 2: Начало на английском
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