piggyback ride. - And he carried you like this? - Yes. Your father didn't know beans about piggyback riding. My uncle has four children. I've seen them ride piggyback. I'll bet there isn't a good piggyback rider in your family. I never knew a rich man who could piggyback ride. You're prejudiced. Show me a good piggy backer. I'll show you a real human. Take Abraham Lincoln for instance. A natural born piggy backer. Where do you get off with that stuffed-shirt family of yours? My father was a great piggy backer. Here, hold this a minute. Thank you. How long does this keep up? My feet are killing me. This looks like the best spot. We're not going to sleep out here, are we? I don't know about you, but I'm going to give a good imitation of it. Peter? What? I'm awfully hungry. It's just your imagination. No it isn't. I'm hungry and scared. You can't be hungry and scared both at the same time. Well, I am. If you're scared, it scares the hunger out of you. Not if you're more hungry than scared. All right, you win. Let's forget about it. I can't forget it. I'm still hungry. Holy smoke! Why did I ever get mixed up with you? If I had any sense, I'd be in New York by this time. What about your story? Taking a married woman back to her husband. I turned out to be the prize sucker. All right, come on. Your bed's all ready. I'll get my clothes all wrinkled. - Then take them off. - What? All right, don't take them off. Do what you please, but shut up about it. You're becoming awfully disagreeable lately. You just snap my head off every time I open my mouth. If being with me is so distasteful to you, you can leave. You can leave any time you see fit. Nobody's holding you here. I can get along. Peter? Peter! - What's the matter? - I was so scared! What's got into you? I left for a minute to find you something to eat. I know but... Here, eat your head off. I don't want it now. - I thought you said you were hungry. - I was, but... But what? I was so scared, it scared the hunger... Holy jumping catfish. You drive a guy crazy. It's liable to get chilly before morning. Better use this. What are you thinking about? By a strange coincidence, I was thinking of you. - Really? - Yeah. I was just wondering what makes dames like you so dizzy. What did you say we're supposed to be doing? Hitchhiking. You've given me a very good example of the hiking. Where does the hitching come in? It's a little early yet. No cars out. If it's the same to you... ...l'm going to sit right here and wait until they come. You got a toothpick? - What's the matter? - I got hay in my teeth. No, I haven't got a toothpick. Here, I got a penknife, though. Now hold still. - Be careful. - All right. Where is it? All right, now hold still. Here. Get it? Thanks. You should have swallowed that. You won't have any breakfast, you know? You needn't rub it in. - What are you eating? - Carrots. - Raw? - Want one? No. Why didn't you get me something I could eat? That's right, I forgot. The idea of offering a raw carrot to an Andrews. You don't think I'm going around panhandling for you, do you? Have one of these. Best thing for you, carrots. I hate the horrid things. I wish you wouldn't talk so much. Now we let a car get away. And suppose nobody stops for us? They'll stop all right. It's a matter of knowing how to handle them. And you're an expert I suppose. Expert. And I'll write a book about it. Call it "The Hitchhiker's Hail." There's no end to your accomplishments, is there? - You think it's simple? - No. Well, it is simple. It's all in that old thumb, see? Some people do it like this. Or like this. All wrong. Never get anywhere. The poor things. But that old thumb never fails. It's all a matter of how you do it, though. Now you take No. 1, for instance. That's a short jerky movement, like this. That shows independence. You don't care if they stop or
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