mind about King have you? No. Because if you have, it isn't too late. You know how I feel about him. Well, you gave me such a scare when I couldn't find you. You know, the old pump isn't what it used to be. I'm sorry, Father. I wouldn't hurt you for anything in the world. You know that. What's the matter, child? Aren't you happy? I thought so. I knew there was something on your mind. There, now. What's the matter? You haven't fallen in love with someone else, have you? Have you? I haven't seen you cry since you were a baby. This must be serious. Where'd you meet him? On the road. Now don't tell me you've fallen in love with a bus driver? Oh, no. Who is he? I don't know very much about him. Except that I love him. If it's as serious as all that, we'll move heaven and earth to... No, it's no use. He despises me. Come now. Yes, he does. He despises everything about me. He says that I'm spoiled and selfish and pampered and thoroughly insincere. Ridiculous. He doesn't think so much of you, either. Well, l... And he blames you for everything that's wrong with me. He says you raised me stupidly. And now that's a fine man to fall in love with. He's marvellous. What are we going to do about it? Where is he? - I don't know. - I'd like to have a talk with him. It wouldn't do any good. I practically threw myself at him. Under the circumstances, don't you think we'd better call this thing off? No, I'll go through with it. But that's silly. Seeing the way you feel about him. No, it doesn't matter. I don't want to stir up any more trouble. I've done it all my life. I've made your life miserable. And mine, too. I'm tired, father. I'm tired of running around in circles. He's right, that's what I've been doing ever since I can remember. I've got to settle down. It doesn't matter how, where, or with whom. You've changed, Ellie. I can't walk out on King now. It would make us all look so ridiculous. Anyway, what difference does it make? I'll never see Peter again. Is that his name? Peter Warne. Peter Warne. Why, do you know him? Why, no. Father, you haven't heard from him, have you? - Don't be silly, of course. - Please, what's that? I guess that was his only interest in me, wasn't it? - The reward. - I'm sorry you read it. - Are you going to see him? - I suppose so. Certainly. Pay him off. He's entitled to it. He did an excellent job. He kept me thoroughly entertained. It's worth every penny he gets. Thank you, Mary. That's just what I needed. Mr. Westley's on his way up. Fine, have him come in. I'll be going. If it isn't the bridegroom himself. You're just in time, King. How are you, Ellie? You happy? Happy? Why shouldn't I be happy? Here we are, let's drink. It's up to you now. I want our life to be full of excitement. We'll never let up, will we? Never a dull moment. We'll get on a merry-go-round and never get off. - Promise you'll never let me get off. - Whatever you say, darling. It's a promise. Yeah. Who? Why can't I see you at your office? I'm leaving for Washington tonight. I may be gone several weeks. I thought, perhaps, you'd like to get this thing settled. Yeah. But I don't like the idea of butting in on your jamboree. Between you and me, those things give me a stiff pain. You don't have to see anybody. You can come directly to my study. No. Why do I wanna... Hey, wait a minute. Maybe I will come over. Yeah. I'd like to get a load of that three ring circus you're pulling. I wanna see what love looks like when it's triumphant. I haven't had a good laugh in a week. Mr. Warne? Yeah. - Sit down. - Thanks. I was surprised to get your note. My daughter hadn't told me anything... ...about you. About your helping her. That's typical of your daughter. Takes those things for granted. Why did she think I lugged her from Miami? She thinks you're entitled to anything you can get. She does? Isn't that
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