it, don't it? What's this? Ma! Here's the woman. - What's the matter? - Where's your husband? - Husband? - Yes, if he is your husband. - Isn't he here? - No, he ain't. The car's gone, too. You got any money? - No. - Then you'll have to git! Yeah. You'll have to git. Please, may I use your phone? I've got to call New York. You ain't gonna stick me for no phone call. Go to the sheriff's office, a quarter mile down the road. They'll fix you up. And listen, next time you better not come back here. I run a respectable place. - Thanks, you saved my life. - Okay. So long kid and good luck. Goodbye. You're beautiful. All women are beautiful. For my dough, he's still the best newspaper man in the business. Get Hank, quick. Boy, what a yarn. Hold up the morning edition. Break down the front page. We'll have a new layout. Send in a couple of rewrite men. And Hank, listen. Don't do a thing. I've got a story that'll make your hair curl. Wait a minute. Don't annoy me, I'm busy. Agnes, send Mike in here! Dig up all the pictures on that Andrews kid. And Hank, listen, get Haley out of bed. I want a cartoon and I want it quick. Westley's in it. He's waiting at the church... ...with tears on his face. The bride didn't show up. Old Man Andrews is laughing his head off. Everything exaggerated. Snap into it. What is it? Ellen Andrews? You're crazy. I'm not. She phoned her father from an auto camp asking him to come. He's getting a police escort and Westley's going along. Yes, she's been travelling by bus. When she found out her father and Westley made up, she phoned. Okay, grab a car and stay with them. Get Hank again. Agnes, get me a doctor, I'm gonna have a nervous breakdown. Hank, forget what I told you. I'm having a nightmare. Agnes, you call the police department. Tell them to find Peter Warne. Send out a general alarm. I want that dirty crook pinched. You want us? Change the front page! Ellen Andrews just phoned her father. She's going home. She found out Dad withdrew his objections. She gave herself up. Spread it all over the place! Play it up big! Major league! "Love Triumphant." Go on, hop to it. Okay. Come on, baby. We gotta get there before she wakes up. Can't you drive any faster? "Young people in love are never hungry" Come on, baby. We've got a police escort. Come on, baby. They can't make a sucker out of us. All right, come on. Step back. Give them room. Come on, step back. How about a picture for the paper, Mr. Andrews? Wait till she gets home. Later, boys. Later. "He floats through the air with the greatest of ease "The daring young man on the flying trapeze" Get that thing out of the way! Keep your britches on, we'll get it out. Hey, you darn fool! Ellen Andrews is going to marry that Westley guy again. Gordon's out back some place. When he comes in, give him this. Tell him I was just kidding. - You can't get a thing done around here. - Peter was just in. - What? - He left this money. - He said he was just kidding. - Where is he? - There he goes. - Hey, Pete! Hello. I'm sorry, it was just a little gag. I thought I'd have some fun with you. Yeah, sure you had me going for a little while, too. - It wouldn't have made a bad story at that. - No, great. But that's the way things go. You think you've got a great yarn... ...and then something comes along and messes up the finish. And there you are. Yeah. Where am I? When you sober up, come in and talk to me. Thanks. Ellie? Hello, Dad. I knocked several times. I'm sorry. I must have been daydreaming. Everything's set. Creating quite a furore, too. Great stunt King is going to pull. Stunt? Yeah, he's landing on the lawn in an autogyro. Yes, I heard. Personally, I think it's silly, too. You look lovely, child. Are you pleased with the gown? Ellie? The gown. Yes, it's nice, isn't it? What's the matter, child? What's wrong? Nothing. You haven't changed your
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