around with married women. There's no harm in your coming to see us. Not interested. Won't I ever see you again? What for? I've served my purpose! I brought you back to King Westley. That's what you wanted, wasn't it? Have you ever been in love, Peter? Me? Yes. Haven't you ever thought about it at all? It seems to me you could make some girl wonderfully happy. Sure, I've thought about it. Who hasn't? If I could ever meet the right sort of girl. Where are you gonna find her? Somebody that's real. Somebody that's alive. They don't come that way anymore. Have I ever thought about it? I've even been sucker enough to make plans. I saw an island in the Pacific once. Never been able to forget it. That's where I'd like to take her. She'd have to be the sort of a girl... ...who'd jump in the surf with me and love it as much as I did. Nights when you, the moon and the water all become one. You feel you're part of something big and marvellous. That's the only place to live. The stars are so close overhead you feel you could reach up and stir them around. I've been thinking about it. Boy, if I could ever find a girl who was hungry for those things. Take me with you, Peter. Take me to your island. I want to do all those things you talked about. You better go back to your bed. I love you. Nothing else matters. But we can run away. Everything will take care of itself. Please, Peter... ...I can't let you out of my life now. I couldn't live without you. You'd better go back to your bed. I'm sorry. Did you mean that? Would you really go? All I'm asking is enough gas to get me to New York. That bag's worth $25. I got a bag. I got one for Christmas... Here's what I'll do. I'll come back in the morning... ...and buy it back from you with a $10 profit. - What do you say? - I ain't got a hat. - What? - I ain't got a hat. Well, you got one now. Come on, fill her up. Where you been all this time? Everybody's been asking about you. Get me one drink. Nobody disturbs me for the next half hour. Sure, boss. Hello, Agnes. - Don't. He'll shoot you on sight. - Haven't been shot at in days. - Get out of here! Get out! - Now listen, Joe. Don't "Joe" me. All right, Joe. Listen. You know I've always liked you. Anytime I could help you, ran across a good story... ...I came running to you with it. I got one now. The wires were on the level. The biggest scoop ever. - It's yours. - About the Andrews kid? I've got it all written up, ready to go. All I want is a $1,000. A $1,000? Get out of here before... Don't get sore. You gotta do this for me. I need a $1,000 and I need it quick. I'm in a jam. What's the $1,000 for? To tear down the walls of Jericho. Never mind. If I told you that... ...Ellen Andrews will annul her marriage? - She'll marry somebody else. - You're drunk. Would such a story be worth $1,000 to you? - Lf it was on the level. - I got it, Joe. - Who's the guy she's gonna marry? - I am. - You? - Yes. Now I know you're drunk. I'm going home. Don't annoy me anymore. For heaven sakes! Stop being an editor for a minute. We know each other. You ought to know when I'm serious. This is on the level. I met her on a bus from Miami. I've been with her every minute. I'm in love with her. You gotta get me this money now, quick. Minutes count. She's waiting for me outside Philadelphia. I gotta get right back. She doesn't even know I'm gone. A guy can't propose to a gal without a cent in the world, can he? What a story. On her way to join husband, Ellen Andrews... That's it. Let me see that a minute. Zeke! I told you, you couldn't trust him. He's gone. Who? The fella who was gonna stay a week. He skipped and took the car with him, too. We wouldn't have known till morning if I hadn't took that magnesia. Get up, don't lay there. Let's do something about it. There ain't nothing we can do if he's gone. See that? They're gone. Looks like
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