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I got a couple of machine guns
in my suitcase. I'll give you one of them.
May have trouble up north.
Have to shoot it out with the cops.
If you manage, those five G's
are as good as in the bag. Maybe more.
I'll talk to the Killer, he'll take care of you.
Yeah. The big boy. The boss of the outfit.
You're not kidnapping her, are you?
What else, stupid? You don't think
we're after that penny-ante reward?
$10, 000? Chicken feed.
Now listen, we're holding that dame
for a million smackers.
Say, I didn't know it was anything like this.
You see, I've got...
What's the matter? You getting yellow?
I'm a married man. I got a couple of kids.
I can't afford to get...
Pipe down your mug before I...
What are you trying to do,
tell the whole world about it?
Listen, you're into this thing
and you're staying in, get me?
You know too much.
I won't say anything, honest I won't.
How do I know that?
I got a notion to plug you.
- Why should I take a chance with you?
- Trust me, mister. I'll keep my mouth shut.
What's your name?
Oscar Shapeley.
- Where do you live?
- Orange, New Jersey.
Got a couple of kids?
Yes, sir. Just babies.
A little golden-haired girl.
- You love them, don't you?
- Yes, I do.
You wouldn't. You're not thinking of...
- You keep your trap shut, all right?
- Sure.
- Lf you don't...
- I'll keep my trap shut. I will.
You ever hear of Bugs Dooley?
Bugs Dooley? No.
He was a nice guy, just like you.
And he made a big mistake one day.
Got a little too talkative.
- You know what happened to his kid?
- No.
I can't tell you. But when Bugs heard
about it he blew his brains out.
That's terrible.
He had it coming to him.
He talked too much. I never talk.
I never say a word. Word of honour.
I wouldn't want anything
to happen to my kids.
Okay. Just remember that.
Now beat it.
Sure, mister. Thanks.
I always knew you guys were...
Come on, scram.
And stay away from that bus.
Sure. Anything you say.
- You wouldn't shoot me in the back?
- Lf you don't beat it...
I'm going.
What's wrong?
Why do we have to leave the bus?
Come on. Don't ask so many questions.
Poor old Shapeley. You shouldn't have
frightened him like that.
At the rate he's going, he's probably
crossed two state lines by this time.
Why did we have to leave the bus?
When Shapeley stops running,
he's going to start thinking, isn't he?
I've been doing a little thinking myself.
The next town we come to,
you better wire your father.
What's the matter, are you weakening?
No. I was just thinking of you.
A starvation diet may not agree with you.
Did you give that child all your money?
I gave him nothing.
You were the big-hearted gal.
All the money I had was that ten spot.
So I've been thinking
you better wire your father.
No, sir. I started out for New York
and I'm going to get there...
...if I have to starve all the way.
What is this strange power
this man Westley has over you women?
Here, take these.
- Hold on to them. Get up on that log.
- That?
Get up on the log.
I wish you'd stop being playful.
So sorry. You know, this is the first time
in years I've ridden piggyback.
This isn't piggyback.
- Of course it is.
- You're crazy.
I remember distinctly my father
taking me for a piggyback ride.
- And he carried you like this?
- Yes.
Your father didn't know beans
about piggyback riding.
My uncle has four children.
I've seen them ride piggyback.
I'll bet there isn't a good
piggyback rider in your family.
I never knew a rich man
who could piggyback ride.
You're prejudiced.
Show me a good piggy backer.
I'll show you a real human.
Take Abraham Lincoln for instance.
A natural born piggy backer.
Where do you get off with
that stuffed-shirt family of yours?
My father was a great piggy backer.
Here, hold this a minute.
Thank you.
How long does this keep up?
My feet are killing me.
This looks like the best spot.
Это случилось однажды ночью Это случилось однажды ночью

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